....Or maybe...you got lil bits o' shit on your mind that you need to save for later... ...heeheehee Put in the back of the frig and bring it out later when you can savor the essence of yo shit!
I realize that KZ's analysis is far better than mine... ...so what foul shit have you been doing?
You feel "sandwiched"-into a situation. You see the outside, but you have to figure out how to get there.. It's just plastic so therefore you CAN get out. You can escape this situation, maybe the job or the City or your living arrangements???
Oh shyt that was good!!! And I came up with that on the fly LMAO
you going somewhere? are you gonna need fertilizer there?
you know how sometimes when you are working hard on something, you strain and pushin but all that comes out is shit. and thats despite the fight you're red in the face and have busted yo ass trying to accomplish your goal. ...well maybe you should save the scraps for later.
Okay SoWise, I think that's about three things: 1-Release 2-Exposure 3-Control. The fact that you had to shit is probably symbolic of that fact that you are trying to let go of something, release something. Exposure because the bag was clear and control because you shit in a bag. ...why not a toilet or out in the open somewhere (Somethin) The fact that it was a bag i think is representative of the fact that perhaps whatever you are trying to release or heal from or let go of --you are also trying to keep something controlled or contained or just exercise a certain level of control...you don't want things to get messy or out of your grasp. Or...I could be writing all of this for nothing and you just watch too much Flavor O' Love!
Feces related dream are usually related to embarassment. Dreams where you lose your teeth concern money. And Smoke or Fog may mean death. It's my wise grandma's interpretation of dreams.
Just cleanse your body and your mind. You're probably going to letting go it all kinds of ish soon and step COURAGEOUSLY even moreso into the woman you are constantly evolving into. (If you're open to growth). Anonymous Detroit.
yeah... i was gonna write something then i left. i came back. i was gonna be witty. kind of like the first time... but that didn't work either. i don't know what to tell you homes... i really don't. but i will say this, LMAO! crazy.
i personally think you're going to be able to see things for what they really are. if something is shitty, that's what it is. *bust into jimmy cliff's "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone"
Maybe you're afraid that some foul "shit" you're doing is transparent to others. Who knows? I'm not that bright.
I'd need time with that...but good God would that interpretation make for some good T.V.
....Or maybe...you got lil bits o' shit on your mind that you need to save for later...
Put in the back of the frig and bring it out later when you can savor the essence of yo shit!
I realize that KZ's analysis is far better than mine...
...so what foul shit have you been doing?
*tiptoeing away slowly, so so...wise doesn't know I was here*
if it was a reacurring event- did it involve mexican food?
i crack myself up.
that is a strange dream. did the dream end upon completion of your movement?
strange days indeed- most peculiar mama.....
the very
You feel "sandwiched"-into a situation. You see the outside, but you have to figure out how to get there.. It's just plastic so therefore you CAN get out. You can escape this situation, maybe the job or the City or your living arrangements???
Oh shyt that was good!!! And I came up with that on the fly LMAO
SO I was thinking it means I'm holding on to some shit that should be thrown out...and that is oh so true right about now. Just easier said than done.
KZ & Blah (oddly, that has a nine ring to it. ahaha)...See, I ain't much of a shit doer, tho that's a pretty damn good analysis.
Amadeo.. Pitchh that shit to Fox. They put any shit on TV.
TCas...I see you! And you look good in a tux, playboy. (so does your damn married azz brother) lol
Rev...Good questions...ended upon completion...no guacamole.
Philly...so you're saying "I'm the shit"? lol
WTF did I just walk into...
Ilk ohwweee, peeuu.
i just hope you didn't wake up having shitted on yourself. LOL
you going somewhere? are you gonna need fertilizer there?
you know how sometimes when you are working hard on something, you strain and pushin but all that comes out is shit. and thats despite the fight you're red in the face and have busted yo ass trying to accomplish your goal. ...well maybe you should save the scraps for later.
ok and i thought the last dream i remembered was weird...
lmao I think it just means DON'T EAT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED!!
Okay SoWise, I think that's about three things: 1-Release 2-Exposure 3-Control. The fact that you had to shit is probably symbolic of that fact that you are trying to let go of something, release something. Exposure because the bag was clear and control because you shit in a bag. ...why not a toilet or out in the open somewhere (Somethin) The fact that it was a bag i think is representative of the fact that perhaps whatever you are trying to release or heal from or let go of --you are also trying to keep something controlled or contained or just exercise a certain level of control...you don't want things to get messy or out of your grasp. Or...I could be writing all of this for nothing and you just watch too much Flavor O' Love!
They do have counseling for these kind of issues!!! Hahahahaha!! I dont know how ot interpret this. I have to consult my resources.
I'm not touching it...Shitting in a plastic bag..You been sipping on cough medicine again Wise??
What? And also, WHAT?!?!?
I suggest you stop eating late at night and make sure you poop before you lay down...LOL!
Feces related dream are usually related to embarassment. Dreams where you lose your teeth concern money. And Smoke or Fog may mean death. It's my wise grandma's interpretation of dreams.
Just cleanse your body and your mind. You're probably going to letting go it all kinds of ish soon and step COURAGEOUSLY even moreso into the woman you are constantly evolving into. (If you're open to growth). Anonymous Detroit.
yeah... i was gonna write something then i left. i came back. i was gonna be witty. kind of like the first time... but that didn't work either. i don't know what to tell you homes... i really don't. but i will say this, LMAO! crazy.
i personally think you're going to be able to see things for what they really are. if something is shitty, that's what it is. *bust into jimmy cliff's "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone"
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