How many languages y'all speak?
I’m fluent in at least 2...
So.....I went Upstate for C-mas. Ended up staying thru New Years. He did, too.
We met up at a party, threw a few back.
“You know Wise, I don’t think you and I have ever been on a real date-date.”
“You might be right.”
“Would you go out on a real date with me while we’re home?”
“I think you should ask me when neither of us is under the influence,” I answered over my shoulder, and returned to the task of shaking azz against his front.
He called the next morning and asked again…I accepted. A few days later we had a near perfect date.
Dinner at a restaurant frequented by wealthy, elderly white people. Wine from the spot in France where he lived for a hot sec. Cranberry mojito. Nonstop quality catching up, missing the last 2 showings that night of whatever movie he had selected for us to see.
Then back to his mom’s house to watch the porn I got him for his b-day. [FYI – Mom was out of town.] We sat side by side on a plush, shallow futon, hovering over the naked bodies slithering sweaty against one another on the oversized screen of his laptop. My hands to myself. His, respectfully draped above my shoulders. The flick was so ghetto and hilarious… a secession of group sex situations staged in Section 8 digs. Stretch marks, bullet wounds, testicular razor bumps, and ash, all in prominent supporting roles.
I was slightly preoccupied by the glare from the screen that rested on the impressive bulge pulsing in his jeans...and the subtle pool flooding mine. When he warmed his hands on my bare skin, under my shirt as if the stitches of my bra were puritanical boundaries…my only movement was to get more comfortable on the couch.
In my mind, however, I was narrowly ruminating in the pleasure. Not giving in…unwilling to surrender the psychological, let alone physical edge too soon. In my mind, I was on fire, and wanting him more and more in more ways than I care to admit.
But what I said was, “Oh shit, Pres. F0rd died!”
The porn had concluded and had been replaced with SportsCen+er.
“I had no idea he played football,” he said.
It was late, and before I left, I replied to his nonverbal request for a kiss, with an offer of my cheek and a, “I had a great time, as always, Mr. Him.”
This cat speaks French, but I don’t think he knew how to interpret ‘what I didn’t say’…bec he asked me a few nights later, after another night out.
I’m not pressed to give in to him just yet. He still lives there and I still live here. But he did kind of up the ante when I reminded him that we had agreed to “just be cool.”
“Do you think we could ever be more than just ‘cool’?”
I was surprised to hear him ask that. I did a quick bedroll [don’t act like you don’t roll around in bed when someone on the other end of the phone excites you!]…and told him honestly that I had no way of knowing yet.
“I want to see you a lot more, Wise.” Thank God I had on my armor, cuz he was laying it on pretty thick. We made plans to visit soon.
After talking, hanging out and texting every day during the holidays, I didn’t hear from him for almost a week after we left. And in that time I knew exactly what he was not saying.
Thank God I didn’t get caught up in his rhetoric…I’d be going crazy trying to figure out what was thinking and wondering if I should call him and shit. And while I know he was being sincere, thank God I also know that he subscribes to an ‘out of sight out of mind’ sort of defense mechanism. I know without his confirmation that he has opted to come to B-More on the later of the two weekends we discussed. I know that he is setting some boundaries of his own, some distance.
I know that he has a non-verbal alibi. He's a man, after all. If ever his words come back to haunt him, or if I were to display any dependency on that particularly intimate convo, he can always rely confidently on his 'silent evidence'.
If I were to all of a sudden jump the gun and say, “Hey let’s be more than cool”…he will recoil under the pressure and present a defense that says a whole different song and dance than his words. I know this because I know him.
My friends and I can look back and laugh at our younger days when we would've undoubtedly fallen into that bullshit ditch.
Today, I smile and understand. I’m straight fluent in the language of omission...just hoping the magic doesn't get lost in translation.
Plus, talk is cheap! :)
Good to know that you have an in-depth understanding of said vernacular.
Your ass would have been stuck.
Is this dude in his 20's or 30's?
There is a point to this.
Has...I know the song and the dance and I appreciate it. The moral of the story isnt really about me and him but about how easy it is (esp for younger women) to place weight on words instead of actions...and how communication is like the essential 3rd person in a 3-some...the one who licks balls or something. :)
Rev...he's 29 like me.
So you're fluent in the language of omission? I like that one, I never look at it quite like that. LOL
You're really are "So Wise" especially for someone your age!! :-)
It took me at least 30 years to get fluent in that not-so foreign language.
Talk is definitely cheap. Some may call you cynical, but I will simply say very, very wise.
I can curse and flirt in a few languages...only the cursing can be sustained past a few minutes.
oh how ive learned especially from my last experience that actions speak louder than words... and it was a hard lesson to learn but i wont make the same mistake twice ... and as for your comment on my blog ... damn wise you hit it right on the head ... thanks!
the language of Omission... the same language I use to hate is what I use now to get myself out of situations... but u're definitely right, the older one become, the easier it is to spot out....
Cnel and I were thinking, "You and those damn mojitos!!!
You bought him porn? Can u be my girlfriend???
I am glad you fluent in the language. Many are not and they get hurt. You need to school me.
LoL @ the fool above me oh lawd.
Here I go thinking you going say you knew Spanish, French maybe. Then you add a whole other language to the discussion.
I was thinking I need to take another language, so where exactly does one learn the language of omission? Please don't tell me its one of them baptism by fire, experiental languages.
Philly Philly...I aint all that wise...observant, maybe. ;)
mizJJ...Oh I'm plenty cynical! Thanks. lol
Amadeo...Not a long distance flirter, huh? ;)
AI...I remember your last situation and you're right, this post definitely applies. I was you once. lol As for your girl...watch out for her. She's a mess. She needs soem biz of her own to occupy her. and I think you should alert your other friend to watch her back too...but only if she's not more loyal to the Sheister.
DD...I'm telling you, it's like taking a foreign language course...once you [don't] hear it enough you pick it up too!
Young Epsi...i couldnt pass up the Cran! And as for the porn...again, I listen. I knew that's what he wanted. Well actually, I know that I'M what he wanted, but I figure some video sex was a decent consolation gift. ;)
CNelly...Sorry...but just like Italian, let's say...it's all about the cultural immersion, as you well know. And it's all abotu listening. Instead of analyzing, just listen, and take it quite literally when you observe what someone does or does not say.
talk is ridiculously cheap. tell HE he need to make some payments. hmph.
Cranberry mojito!! mmmm mmm!! love cranberries and love mojitos. fab.
oh yeah and i speak conversational french which gets worse w/each passing year from disuse. so sad.
If I pick up another language it will be something sexy like Spanish or French or Italian. I need to find a man to match the language tho... he would be my motivational tutor. The language would also have to be a real world application tho... Spanish it is!
And forget all that mind reading, non verbal bull crap. That has never been fun. Glad you rsisted so you wouldn't have to deal with that.
bmore, huh? we gotta hook up some time! next time there's a blogger meet & greet, i'll have to drop by to invite u...
glad u didnt fall for it.. i know plenty of women that woudla!
I swear you best get out of my head. I am living the same situation right now...
As a matter of fact, I just wrote a post about The Teacher and we have the same thing going on.
Problem? I'm digging this cat more than any man I can remember. And that makes this control freak mad nervous.
Jameil...I had never had a cran moj before and it was exactly as fab as it sounds.
4EJ...Yeah spanish is muy sexy. "non verbal bullcrap" not so much.:)
TTD...Girl, I've been known to throw em back with the best of em, and you def seem like the queen of all party girls.:) holla at me.
Jonzee...From the looks of it we really are living parallel existences right about now. The Teacher sounds yummy! Long distance is such a bitch...particularly for a control freak. lol Keep ya head up, chica!
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