The absolute most gut-wrenching…who to let up in your hair.
Let me preface this by saying that I been a proud perm girl all my life. My hair hovers around my shoulders when I’ve had enough and “cut” it. I’m not tender headed in the least, but I’m also not one to fuss much with my hair. Low maintenance. Bump my ends and I’m straight. No weaves, scrunches, crunches, buns, never much elaborate art or architecture involved.
Nowadays, I look at pics from college and damn near weep. All that thick, shiny “glory” as my mom would call it. No matter if I was wrapped in a brown paper bag with matching brown booties, my hair was always in order. Edges obediently laying, ends clipped with precision.
Today my shit is like the before picture on an extreme make over show, and requires more attention than I prefer.
My ends are a mess, tho I try to clip them regularly.
I got stray greys sprouting from my middle part (which I actually think is kinda sexy and have no plan to dye).
Random sections of my hair are breaking without warning.
And my edges threaten to do “The Omari0n”.

But last week I found myself at a crossroads as I walked into a new salon. A few weeks back I formed an expl0rat0ry c0mmittee to pursue going natural again. Maybe a cute nappy fro. Perhaps dreds (I apologize to those who find it offensive to call them anything but locs…but I’m Jamaican, and also not all that socially correct). The last time I was in Jamaica my brother told me to come with my shit grown out and he would "locs me". None of this loctician nonsense, he says. You let I and I decide how it should grow.
Not only am I not socially correct, but I’m not all that patient either…and I have a feeling I and I, and I might not see eye to eye. Needless to say, I’m a bit skeptical about going THAT natural.
So I haven’t decided whether I’m really ready to go the distance this time, but I do know I’m not succumbing to the perm just yet either. I’ll get some braids before I do that (which will require to get to know some Bawtuhmore Africans, unless I make a quick jet to my NYC Fast Fingers…”Hair braidin, Miss?”).
Since I been in BMore I been going to some Dominicans. In NY they’re literally across the street from my crib. And they’re $10 for a wash and doobie/blow dry (and my girl Lupe knows I don't do no hell-hot blow dryer). The ones here are not as fast or cheap, but they get the job done. No disrespect to them, but right now I need some direction with my glory and I need it in English.
So last week I walk into the new (black) spot and it’s cool. Not too packed. When I’m ushered to the chair (at the EXACT moment when Judy is bout to let this woman HAVE IT), I explain my hair issues again (we spoke on the phone earlier) and she’s receptive and nice. The salon is really spacious, so I’m not sitting on top of anyone. And yeah, the blond sista is a lil on the loud side, but she aint THAT ignorant. And aint nobody eating Chinese food up in there or nothing. I feel oddly comfortable.
Back in the day my hairdresser was a good friend of my parents. She gave me the best hook up ever when I got to middle school…she let me sweep the shop and clean up in exchange for free hairdos. Needless to say I was up in there every 6 weeks on the DOT, and this arrangement lasted thru high school.
Back then it was an all day affair of Jet magazines and Caribbean convo. Mostly really old ladies who loved that I always had a book in my hands.
So last week I lay back at the shampoo station and she does her thing, rolls me up as I requested and I retreat under the dryer, book in hand.
When I’m dry, I sit in the chair and I ask her if braids are the most healthy way to let my perm grow out. She’s baffled. Mind you, there’s a chick braiding hair just behind me. I explain to her that I know that braids are the most low maint. way of growing your hair out, but that I hear it can also eff with your hair, pull out your edges, etc.
Again, crickets.
“What do you plan to do when you grow it out?” she asks.
“I don’t know yet. Maybe rock a lil nappy fro. Dreds maybe. Im not really there yet, but I just know that I can’t keep putting these chemicals in it.”
And that’s that. No response. She works on in silence and I turn my attention to my text messages.
“How do you normally wear the front?”
I show her, and get lost in the episode of Fri.ends when Phoebe’s grandmother dies and she meets her Pops.
After a while I look up into the mirror to see what the hell is taking so long. Homegirl is literally playing in my hair. She’s baffled at what to do with it, if not burn it. The chick in front of me sat there for a good 45 minutes while the other stylist blow dried her, then flat ironed and pin curled her. I know enough to know that you not supposed to put direct heat on wet hair like that without some kind of spray or lotion or SOMETHING. And without my express destination being THAT, the stylist didn’t know what to do with me.
“It’s just so puffy,” she says of my new growth, and then combs me forward, apparently trying something new.
Am I naïve to believe that a black stylist ought to know something about black hair?
That if I have a question about breaking free from the bonds of burning and breakage, I need to go find a black power sista with a brush cut?
Frankly, you natural sistas tend to be a cultish clan. I’ve been to enough websites for natural hair (and let's not forget I go to a black school) to know that they don’t always take too kindly to a woman who simply enjoys the long straight look. Trust me, Queen Kinky, I’m not doing a Euro impersonation, nor do I “fear” my natural hair. I just like it long, like it healthy, like to not need to do much with it. And I just don't like the prospect of cutting it and "transitioning," yet I also no longer like relaxing it. And I like not to be judged for whatever the hell decision I make.
And I also happen to love playing in the nappy roots at the back of my head like recess, the rough wool a sharp contrast to my soft fingertips.
But guess what? Last time I had my shit cornrowed I discovered I got a smallish peanut head. So yeah, it’s just hair, and it can grow back, and God made us beautiful the way we are…but maybe, just maybe, im not ready to be Peanut Girl. And maybe, just maybe, I’m tired of said peanut being scorched and abused.
As with most things in my life, I’m somewhere in the middle, and I wanna be left there for a while.
Thank God I rock a mean Kang0l.
[You like how I acted like it hasnt been forever since my last post! Thanks for the emails checkin up on me and even for the ones downright demanding I stop slacking.]
Hey chica. I REALLY feel you on the "natural chick cult". LOL My sister and I are always saying the exact same thing. It's wild.
That being said, my hair is natural (no chemicals) and has been for almost 4 years. I grew mine out in a combination of ways and I never made a big cut. I just trimmed the ends a little healthier as it grew until all the perm had bee cut off. I DID wear it braided. I did alot of the crochet braids so that I could change up my style as often as I wanted. I also wore a lot of those clip on ponytails. Wash it once a week, condition it really well and then put it up. It keeps the heat and stress off of your hair. (I still do that) And I wear it straight. The key is to find a great stylist who either specializes in natural hair or has some clients who have naturals. SHE will know how to hook you up. Mine can straighten my hair and it'll stay straight even after going to the gym for a week. How do you find one? The next time you see a sister with a well maintained natural do, stop her and ask who does it. Ask a few people that you see. That's how I found mine.
I know we have a lot in common, but I seriously could have written your last post! I live in Brooklyn (you know how they do in BK) and it cracks me up how many looks I get for my little wrap! I feel the exact same way you do about perms and also have a lil' peanut head...natural sistas, help us!!!
Oh make it sound so simple! This is like torture for me...I'm antisocial and hate fussing with my now you tell me i gotta go ASK PEOPLE FOR A GOOD NATURAL STYLIST. Eff that. lol
So now, when you wear it straight do you get it flatironed? Notice any damage?
Chanel...We are definitely blog twins. lol I used to live in BK and the joke with my friends is that I got run out of there cuz of my perm. I laugh, but when I first moved there I really felt like every sista in the borough was cutting their eyes at me and tightening their head wrap!
Tired...That's dope. How did you wear it while you were growing it out?
I have considered wearing my hair natural, but that is not for me. It seems like too much work. I like to alternate between single braids and relaxers. 6 months of each. I usually only end up relaxing my hair 3 times a year.
I understand your plight...somewhat. As someone who is going into a third set of locs, it was too much for me to get back into the hair cut grind. I find that locs are just much easier to deal with...especially since unlike most dudes I like to have hair. Of course I never have all the woes that confront you...
where in baltimore do you live (what side?) my cousin-in-law has a shop in east balitmore.. and she's really good.. with hair maintenace & all that.. she may be able to help you out.. holla at me if your interested..
also.. im havign a party on march 9th & am extending an invitation to you.. check out this site for more info:
MizJJ...You feel me. People act like having natural hair means you dont have to do anything to it, but to me seems like MORE work.
Amadeo...Interesting. I never considered haircuts to be a grind for dudes...but factor in the all day barbershop affairs, the razor bumps, etc, makes sense. mom told me the other say that she isnt feeling dreds on women. I would never hear the end of
TTD...I will def holler. March 9 sounds great. Thanks for the invite!
LOL, I sure hope I'm not becoming one of the natural chick cult. That's funny. But since I have been all natural, I find myself being very partial towards natural hair. But some of my natural sistas are down right mean sometimes.
I transitioned by wearing braids. Then I wore a two-strand twist for 6-8 months. Now I've been wearing locs for 2 years. I have no doubts that I made the right decision for me, and I wish I had made it sooner. You're correct, natural hair is work, but working with it like this doesn't feel like I'm fighting it. Our hair is naturally coilly, and having perms and relaxers is fighting what the hair wants to do. Having two textures of hair is going to be trying at times, that's why most people braid to get past the transition phase. You could consider sister locking. I think that you might not have to cut out the perm for that. However I believe with your length of hair, it might cost a small fortune to sister lock.
Im gone need dudes to stop having baby hair on the side....not a proper look....
I love to see natural hair as long as its maintained and groomed....
i made the big cut about 2 1/2 years ago. i couldn't stand the growing out phase anymore. but it took me months of no perm to get there. and i actually kind of really really hated my hair that short. (even tho everyone tells me i have the perfect head shape... there's something about a bald-headed woman that is odd and disconcerting to me).
i'm bored with it in its current phase so i don't know. i went to this woman here who didn't know what the hell to do w/my hair either and i'm like well why the fcuk did you let me sit up in your chair when you know you don't know what to do w/my ish? foolishness.
a brown paper bag with matching brown booties? so concerned.
btw i hate the nappy cult too. how you gon be holier than thou when at one point that was you too? AND one day you may go back. AND ITS YOUR CHOICE!!! ignant.
oh and sister locking is def a grip. 500+
A sister must have four things:
Good Hair
That is all.
I agree with Cnel. Your hair gotta be right. All I have to say is whatever you do, it better look good or else.
Philly...LAWD the terminology! Sisterlocks, latching, twist out. Wow. I can already tell you're not in the cult, cuz you didnt use the words 'empower' or 'poison' or 'devil'. lol Thanks for the tips!
Yaz says ..."Im gone need dudes to stop having baby hair on the side....not a proper look...."
Remember when Busta had baby hair AND dreds! lol
Jameil...Sometimes I have fantasies about getting a brush cut. Not bec I think it would be cute or anything (again, peanut), but it just seems tantamount to freedom. But then Id have to wear makeup and NEVER forget my hoop earrings (I always feel so naked without earrings), and get my brows done like every week so that I dont look like an actual dude. Plus I already look mad just wouldnt be a good look at all, unless I'm going for the fresh out of middle school look.
CNel...You just want it all dont you!
Epsi...Do you and ya boy blog together too? lol
So Wise, I am in the middle too. I have been natural for 2 1/2 years, yet I have not worn it out except if it is pressed. I have worn braids mostly, pressed it, worn hairpieces and wigs.
I hate this crazy phase. My scalp still has issues. My hair when it is at its best is so thick and unmanageable. So I get it braided in micros or kinky extensions.
I am tired of not being able to just wear my hair without all the drama. And I have done the watch a sista who has great hair and go to her stylist. Not everyone's hair is the same hence not everyone can use the same stylist. My girlfriend one time had fly hair and the woman did mine and it was a mess. I had been going to her for months and was fine. I did my part at home and when I got to her it was jacked. It seemed she took less effort on mine. Matter a fact, I went home one time put some oil in it and re-curled it better than she did.
So anyway, I am stuck, locs are too permanent, perms are a pain, braids can be easy but time-consuming to get and take out.
I have realized that no matter what any option will take work. So which ill to pick. I don't have the head for a short fro and it gets to tangled to do the long fro. It is just a battle and my hair can be so awkward, "training" is not the key, it is finding how to act with it through its phases and most stylists aren't gonna do that unless you go to someone who costs alot.
Sorry for the long post. I sit her with my fro tied in a scarf wondering do I press or wig it till my next braid phase. LOL.
did cnel say good hair? when i cut my hair, i carried earrings in my purse just in case i would forget the ones i was supposed to put on in the house in the am. and yes, the short natty makes you look pre-pubescent. people ask me if i'm over 18. i'll be 25 this year!!!!!! wth????
Shai...No pob with the long post. Hair drama can be draining. And ya know if you feel awkward with your hair then it affects how you feel about yourself. There is just nothing better than to have a nice 'do and you walk out the house and you just feel so brand new! But when it's the opposite, at least for me, I dont even wanna leave the damn house. lol I feel ya pain, girl. Good luck with it!
Jameil says..."did cnel say good hair?"
Yessir. :)
Liking the earring idea...I need to leave a pair in my whip. But see, all that fussin just aint for me. As I get ready to turn the corner into this next decade I'm not trying to get carded buying my mom cigarettes, naw'mean. lol
Sorry chica. I'm just now getting back around to reading that you asked me a question.
FLATIRONING IS THE TRUTH! Believe that. As a matter of fact, the damaged areas I have had all of my life are just as long and healthy as the rest of my hair now. If you're going to flat iron then the key is moisturizing and using the best products for you.
I make it sound easy? I WISH! I'm still struggling to find products that accomplish different things. What's easy is once you find them you know what your hair will do and what you want it to do. The more you try....the more you'll learn. Trust me.
And I didn't say make friends. Just walk up and say "excuse me...who does your hair?" The chick I asked couldn't even give me a number; just directions. And I properly drove around til I found it! I've stopped women at the airport. And when you find 3 or 4 DIFFERENT women who ALL use the same stylist (which I have seen before)....give her a try!
The ladies there are not as militant or cultish.
oh the hair drama ... i had my hair natural until i was 18 my mom wouldnt let any chemicals near it ... and then i got my first relaxer ... and i loved it i cant lie ... eventually ill grow it out ... but thats the thing i love about black hair ... its versatility ... the natural chicks can become a bit much at times though ... as if me wearin my hair natural is going to save the world ... or black women ... its a nice thought but probably not gonna happen ... you do you and ill do me ... it is what is ...
i never understood if your a hair stylist and don't know about hair...i always thought the barber/hair stylist should ask how and which direction your comb your hair the stuff you put in your hair..but now your not like the new skin...
Last night in class 2 sisters were talking about flatironing. I butt in and told them about this convo we been having and they swore by the iron too. As for products, you're so right. Naani products appear to be a 'cult fav' for natural hair. lol
Thanks Anon.
AI...Wow, your mom was smart to make you wait...but did you have issues managing your hair when you were in high school b4 the relaxer? My niece is 11 and her mom slapped that Just 4 Me in that head EARLY, and I remember shaking my head, bec the girl's hair was so thick and healthy and managable to begin with. The son dukes his hair...the mama is from Down Souf so maybe that explains it. lol
What up Sarccastik...You would think they'd know something...but I think those stylists are a dying breed. :(
Maybe u can press the roots til you figure out what you want to do next.
b4 the relaxer i rocked the press and curl... the afro ...braids... corn rows... my hair curled really nice when it was natural ... i miss that i do ... but i remember being called every name in the book ... group of black girls in high school called me slave girl ... cause i wasnt rockin the squirrels nests that they had on the top of their heads i laugh now ...but it hurt then ... but now i do what i want and on my terms ... my mom stopped relaxin her hair over 10 years ago and shes got locs to her behind ... ill do it eventually ... im just havin fun for now!
I'm late reading this post, but I agree about the relaxed vs. natural thing. I relax every 6-8 wks and I'm fine with that. Natural is very cute and looks nice on a lot of folks, HOWEVER, I know it ain't for me. I thank God for Madame CJ Walker every two weeks. There's a reggae club I go to often and everybody looks like they wanna shoot me b/c I don'gt have a natural. Do you and I'll do me. Good one!
The nappy cult reference is on point. It's true.
I want to try something different and every once in a while I miss my doobee, which was always fresh to death!
But if I even dare to make mention of it, men and women alike threaten to cut me. And not just natural folk... others (whom I feel are living their hair dreams vicariously thru me) who are processed have something to say.
Good luck with your decision. Don't do anything unless you do it for you. It's just hair and it will grow back, but it will take a while to get there.
And don't worry too much about the shape of your head. I promise that my head has an even funnier shape to it. And I got thru it safely.
Wise, I def want it all.
I'm def the one who says "all or nothing at all."
And when I say "good"
I meant good looking hair, good looking, as in it looks good on her.
i've been natural since '98. i had my small fro, then my locs until a few months ago. right now i'm working on a big ass afro, until my next set of locs. honesty i love nappy hair, although i know a majority of the world doesn't. i tend not to push my idea about natural hair on other women...even though it can get pushed unto me...but that's another post.
so i say, do what makes you feel good and love your decision.
Go ahead and grow it out. It's not so terrible. I've been natural for about 5 years now and I love it. It's thicker, healthier, grows AMAZINGLY fast and my curls when I don't press it out are soft and pretty.
The most important thing is to be patient. When you wanna cut it, DON'T. When you wanna perm it, DON'T. Its gonna take about 2 years for it to truly look like something if you don't wanna cut it though. I never did the braids and things cuz I woulda went bald. I just toughed it out. And now it's even more gorgeous than when I was getting a perm.
I don't know anyone in Bmore but I know a Dominican in DC who satisfied even my picky nature about my hair.
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