It tripped me out soooo badly.
We were talking about the 24-hour news cycle and how obnoxious and overwhelming it tends to be (who's old enough to remember when news only came on at 6am, 6pm and 11pm?)
Anywho, we're talking about Ann@ Nic0le...who, oddly enough, my mother is obsessed with. She doesnt trust "that H0ward K. St.ern for one second."
No wait, we were talking about Sam.Shepard's Pulitzer Prize winning play Buried.Child, and about how it tells such an "American story."
Sometimes our conversations intersect as they did today, and he mentions the circus that is Ann@ Nic and mentions as a sidenote that he does not believe this business of the photo guy being the baby daddy (I only wish they woulda let Ma.ury reveal that shit).
"I believe the son was the baby's father...and that's why he's dead. That's why they're both dead. Quintessential American story," he says.
That shit creeped me out, and as I get into bed I am already anticipating the nightmares I will have.
Not a fan of the incest.
But I'm hoping that sharing it with yall will help me sleep.
*nighty night*

Ummm I don't see how that story is quintessential, more like plain old disturbing.
Let's just hope her newly declared baby daddy, becomes a father that has the right to be affectionately called daddy. It is after all about the life of a child.
And he better not be looking for that money, litigation in the U.S.A. last longer than
i've heard that conspiracy theory before. this girl at work swears up and down its true.
gross.. i dont know what to think... honestly.. i dont give a shit.. they need to leave her story for entertainment tonight.. and not the real news!
I co-sign with ttd. Her story is not real news. It is tabloid news. What is she famous for? Marrying a rich dude? Showing off her coochie to the world? This story needs to die.
i thought the same things as the prof.
incest is bad...very bad...diabolical...but it would have made for a great legendary Anna story. i morbid? damn.
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