Welcome back to our in-depth look at White Girls. If you missed Pt. I, never fear…the sale ends when all red-tagged items are gone. Let's call it The White Sale.
So insecure interracial minds wanna know:
Q: Why DO black bitches, I mean, sistas stare at me and Julie when we’re walking hand in hand through the mall?
A: It’s not cuz we’re hating…It’ s cuz…..we’re nosy. Plain and simple. At least THIS sista is.
What had happened was...
He and I interned at the Today Show together back in the day. Mad cool, Chris started a week before I did, so he was assigned to show me the ropes…ya know, the important details like the tape room, the research library… the Rosie O’Donnell and SNL studios (where I would later have my infamous dance-off with Shaq…another story for another day).
It was an intense semester and Chris and I bonded and kept in touch long after. So when he called me one night a few years back to tell me he would be in town from Nevada I was happy to make plans.
So we meet at a midtown Manhattan pub near Madison Square Garden, get a lil bent. Then we start walking down 7th Ave into the mild evening air… cloaked in nonstop conversation through the garment district, in and out of the heart of Chelsea, past the swanky bars on 14th Street, and into the pulse of the West Village.
Every progressive metro has a “Village”. In Philly it’s South St., In DC I guess it’s U Street, Dallas it’s Deep Ellum. Ya know, the communal social toilet where you can get the best drinks in town. Where the mohawks and chain belts mingle with the same-sex kids, where tattoo shops and purple hair are as common as the stop signs on each corner. Anything goes in the Vill…except I guess, for the eccentric sideshow of a sista with a white boy. ::GASP::
Oh, I didn’t mention Chris was a cute white boy...and I, a wise sista? I digress…
By now, we’re so comfortably lost in the great, easy conversation. Immersed in the joy of spending quality time with a good person with whom we shared a pivotal moment in our young professional lives. We’re holding hands as we walk.We stop at a little kiosk near 8th St. looking at cheap silver rings and braided bracelets. The Indian woman behind the cart gives me the ice grilly. Rather than defensive, I get suspicious…
Did it look like I was about to scoop up that thumb ring that I thought was cute but not for THAT price? Is my shirt buttoned too low like a loose chick? Is my part crooked? WHAT?? I got a gin and tonic stain on my cleveland or somethin? [note: my cleveland is more like Akron. Sista could use a high-calorie diet for the tits. ::sigh::]
I pay her no mind, but Chris notices it too, and as we continue down the way… toward a clearing in the skyline that would have given us a plain view of the WTC had it been a few years earlier… he informs me that for blocks we have been the talk of the town like Wendy Williams. I’m suddenly hyperaware of the constant stares. And not like regular, “Damn, those are some cute pumps Sista's rocking” looks. But undeniable "WTF?" glares.
We laugh it off as we approach Tribeca, pointing out a million other things that should have been considered an oddity...
The bag lady pushing a dirty baby doll in a stroller walks along unnoticed.
The cat with the nut-hugging plaid orange cut-offs is chillin like Ralph Ellison.
But the Black girl (rocking the cute azz pumps, might I add), and the handsome, trendy white boy are starring live on Broadway.
While the attention was amusing, I could relate...
Anytime I visit my hometown, the mall is always a destination. A quick one, for sure, unless you sincerelly want a reunion with your 3rd grade classmates or any bad fucks from back in the day. They WILL corner you at the food court. Never fails.
And it also never fails that nowadays I can’t travel between Claire's Boutique and Yankee Candle without passing an interracial couple or two. And by interracial I do mean black boys with white girls. And more and more the party involves a stroller.
I don’t give a fcuk about PC, this is an ode to my own personal politics…and this is alarming to me on so many levels. These are the same dudes you couldn’t pay to walk around with a sista of ANY hue. Naw, he prefers to stroll the summer festivals and concerts with his boys. The same dude who demands my homegirl get rid of his seed. This is the cat that is hugged up tight playing house with Becky and Darnell Jr.
So when we see the Lizzie Lovers, with said Lizzie, in the mall or on the street, yeah we do stare. But hear Heather tell it, we’re isolating them, and making them feel uncomfortable…like a sista is lifting up her shirt to brandish a gat in the waistband or some shit. Gimme a break like the sitcom.
Personally speaking, I usually don’t give them the satisfaction of thinking that I care that they’re together, because in all honesty, I don’t. It’s not my concern. He’s your headache now, Laura.
But sometimes, just to be an azzhole, just when I see them consider turning and walking in the opposite direction when they see me approaching, I might look them both in the eye as I pass by. And smirk. Same way I would do an Ex on a day I’m looking extra fly.
In this day and age, I doubt many sistas are really that pressed about making a scene…unless of course looking is considered Act I.
Here are a few reasons why I look at Darnell and Becky:
Ø I want to see if I know him…in which case I can try to figure out why he’s with her (slow down…it’s not a white thing. Any time we see an odd couple we wonder why and how. Think: JDupri and Janet)
Ø I want to make sure he’s never or never in the future tries to holler at me. I’m typically not into dudes who like white girls. Shut up…personal preference.

Ø I wonder if what brothas say is true…are white girls more accommodating (read: buy them shit), and are they really more obedient? So I’m nosy, looking for Foot Locker and Structure shopping bags stuffed under the stroller, and downward cast eyes from Jenny, as receipts hang from her jacket pocket.
Ø I want to see what “type” of brotha this is. Is he the young, broke opportunist? The mature, I-never-meet-any-sistas-on-my-socio-economic-level dude? And since I’m convinced I’m an excellent judge of a book cover, I always trust my 1st look instincts.
Ø I’m also interested in what type of white girls like black guys. Is she the no-one-at-my-Dad's office-can-find-out, Mom-is-so-pissed WASPY chick…the Girls-Gone-Wild type…the Honor-Society-student-gone awry…or the corn rowed I-grew-up-with-niggas white girl named Tasha? Just wondering.
Look, we hear about white girls like it’s a fairy tale lifestyle….so naturally we’re curious about you and Snow White. You really expect us not to be after you hoist them up on pedestals high above our nappy roots? That’s like asking a Mexican not to look toward the border.
We’re curious…but not always contemptuous. And rarely as consumed or concerned as this (too long) blog post may suggest.
But I get it. I can relate. Perhaps the Village People were just curious about me and Chris. Was I a valley-girl-accent in-black-face? A stripper meeting a client on my day off? A die hard suburbanite? An athlete’s daughter? Straight from the Ivy League? A starving artist on my way to the casting couch?
And who the hell was this cute white boy with impeccable taste, walking her all the way from Midtown to Ground Zero?
So I’m opening up the phone lines to the females reading this…
Do you get curious when you see the Black.White? Why? Why not? Do you fear Darnell and Donna get the wrong impression? Have you ever been confronted by an insecure couple?
The bag lady pushing a dirty baby doll in a stroller walks along unnoticed.....Hilarious!!!
Nah, It doesn't bother me anymore. My stepdad is white & I remember all the stares when we would go places. Now I just laugh. It is 2006.....people need to get a life!
We all have stereotypes programed into us from birth. Everyone is predjudiced although not everyone is racist. It took me years to realize that.
What do I think (a white girl) when I see a black and white couple? Well if the man is black and the girl is white, my first thought is "He's using her". If the girl is black and the man is white, my first thought is "Good for them!"
Neither one of these reactions have any logic to them, or any basis in reality. Both have everything to do with my programmed thinking about strange black men. Bizarrely, this seems to only apply to nameless faceless black men that I just see in very public areas (on the street, at the mall). If I am introduced to a black man, or meet him on familiar ground (at work, school, or a club I attend regularly) I don't have this instant distrust. And I don't always have it, even in those settings. I can't seem to figure out why I occasionally think that.
This from a white girl who has had relationships with black men. Go figure.
I don't stare, I guess because I have dated other races other than just black men. It's so commonplace to see interracial couples nowdays, especially around here.
hahahahahahaha!! i do look. and you know i do. and its not b/c i care so much either. i could really care less. i just like to look. like you said, i want to look at what they look like. like how'd becky get you? and then when i look at them i'm usually like ehhh whatever, you don't do it for me. and they always look so uncomfortable like i'm gonna start cursin them out! lol! boooo!! i'm so not stuttin you!
and one of my closest friends since first grade is a white guy. we used to get the looks all the time! that shit cracked me up!! lolol
Hmmm Inquiring minds want to know.
Got spies So wise let me find out you're a secret polar bear lover..lol
i am very curious, and i'm generally looking for the same things you're looking for when you look at them as a couple. however, cuz i rock locs, the couples get extra tension around me like they expect me to just haul off and slap the white girl like angela did that chick in 'waiting to exhale'.
frankly, i wanna ask the brotha why, not that i expect answer other than "cuz we're in love", but wouldn't it be nice to hear a brotha say "it's cuz you sistas don't know how to act." then i'd have an excuse to smack HIM in the mouf.
The old ice gaze, meant to size up and strip down a man that you probably wouldn't have either wanted to deal with or could deal with in the first place. "He is not worthy of me...." Do we then with this gaze REALLY care about a person's dating situation if we weren't ever going to even allow ourselves to give them the time of day?? Or is it something else? Hmmmm. I never have nor wish to play in snow nor live in Norway, but, the brothas who have something real (hopefully) with a white woman shouldn't feel intimidated by the gaze any more than black women who love white men. PS. The second paragraph of what anonymous said is probably how most feel. Anonymous Detroit
Detroit..."Do we then with this gaze REALLY care about a person's dating situation if we weren't ever going to even allow ourselves to give them the time of day??"
My sentiments exactly. Contrary to what some brothers (and their white girls) will say, just cuz we look does not mean that we are hating, or even care one way or the other. And I don't think it's a size up and strip down, either. It's curiosity, plain and simple. A very political curiosity, for sure, but not much else.
Nikki...oh shit, white folks, and hell some blacks too grab their purses when a sista with locs gets on the elevator...so I know EXACTLY what you mean. Hilarious!
Jameil...but sometimes don't you wanna make them understand there's nothing to be uncomfortable about. Nobody's taking off earrings...there's no Vaseline in my bag. lol
Living Single...I imagine you got your fair share of stares dating other races.
Anonymous white girl who's dated brothas...thank you so much for being candid. I can understand some of your thinking...and I appreciate that you appear to be a critical thinker instead of being blinded by your prejudice...at least within the confines of an anonymous post on a black woman's blog.
Paula D...bag ladies with baby dolls RUN NYC!
Slishy...Wouldn't you like to know. Well Chrissy and I walked all the way to his telly across from WTC, chilled for hours...fell asleep...then he got me a car back uptown...and rode with me. Walked me to my door and...
AWWW CMON!!!!!!...Such a tease I LIKE IT!!!!!
All 3 of my first cousins are married to or exclusively date White people. At my youngest cousins wedding the only Blacks there was my family. No Black bridesmaids, no Black groomsmen, no Black friends. I look at them and wonder "how do you not have ANY Black people in your cypher?" I guess when I see interracial couples I always wonder what the motivation for it is. I understand if 2 people just like each other regardless of race, but what I don't understand is how some Black men can totally disregard Black women.
i havent dated a black guy since like 1999 or something...
Thanks SoWise even though I think the motives are different for different people. As far as what T mentioned, was he raised in an all-white enclave? Otherwise I hate to see that level of disregard too. Damn that. I think I understand some of why it may be in place (reference The Isis Papers by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing) I like these discussions though, especially without the venom and name-calling. Anonymous Detroit.
@ kween of klubs You answered my question. Cause I was reading your blog and wondered if you were White or Black.
Why the switch?
My bad Slishy...Blogger be trippin. lol
::clearing throat:: He walked me to my door and we both looked up and noticed a full moon hovering directly above my building. I pointed up to the rug on the fire escape 5 floors up, the one I liked to sunbath on. "Looks comfy," he said. "Very," I answered, then took his hand...
Casanova...wow, that's deep. NO back folks? Hmmm. I'm with you...the only thing that really troubles me about interracial is when people start talking about EXCUSIVELY dating a race that's not their own.
Kween...is this a choice or just a matter of a 7-year circumstance?
Detroit...I'm grateful to you for contributing to said discussion. ;)
such a tease...:)
You are right So Wise. I apologize for my anonymous posting.
From the "Anonymous white girl who's dated brothas"
@ So Wise
I receive stares. But I don't care...people stare at me anyway just on GP lol. I'm not one to worry about who's staring or what they're thinking. If I'm out on a date with a guy (who's of another race) and I'm enjoying myself, then that's all that matters to me.
Wow, me and a friend had this convo the other day. FIrst I have to say, GREAT PIC for this post! I wanted to stop there, I thought it was funny. Anywhoo, me and couple of friends had this convo the other day. I have to say, it would be a major adjustment for me for many reasons. I'm not sure I see myself making the switch or anything. Well...okay. There is one thing that could make me make the switch. That is, only if my white boyfriend Rob Thomas finally found me, it's a done deal. And according to my other sisters, if Brad Pitt or Matthew McCaughahy show up, the switch is a non-issue. ;)
No apologies necessary Firefightrix. I wasn't being facetious when I said I appreciated your candor. I'm really glad you offered that perspective cuz it's real. Thank you.
Living Single...that's what it's al about. Doing you. Everybody, if you get a chance go check out LS's spot...she's got some dope lists that I really enjoyed.
Hokai...Weirdest thing...I had a dream last night that Patrick Swayze was tryna git wit it...kissin on my neck and shit. I never found him attractive in the least...until last nite. And yeah, there are a number of white guys I find hot...McCaughnahy.
And dammit Slish...ok..."Looks comfy," he said. "Very," I answered, then took his hand and said, "Ya know a ngga woulda made my black azz take the train back home."
I'm playin. That's my boy...can't wait to see him when I hit Vegas next week.
i could care less if they don't understand. i think they look stupid ducking and hiding. people are always going to automatically assume stuff when you're with a person of another race and the opposite sex. i just roll my eyes. its like wtf? why are you so uncomfortable? its hilarious! but now that i think about it, i guess sometimes i do want to say, you are foolish for thinking i care that much.
My best friend is a Jewish guy, South African Jew to be exact. It was a running joke between us about being African-American and which side holds it down. (West Side!!!!) I remember looks when we'd go out to the mall, concerts, basketball games; in high school I got comments "Are you celebrating Hannukah this year?" "So, coffee heavy on the cream, eh?" Just b/c he is my best friend, I don't judge...but I still don't like white girls and especially when they're with with black men.
I look for the reason mentioned above, to see if I would've considered them for myself! LOL. Usually just going on the looks, it's a no. A lot of the times people expect the looks, and I find them looking at me! And I look to see the state of the woman they're with - sometimes that really makes me laugh.
I had a couple of white boyfriends years ago so have experienced it from the other side. I never really noticed any looks, and I never felt 'para'(noid). I was into hip-hop, and was well-known on the UK scene, so everyone knew I was seeing a white guy - but they wouldn't dare say anything to me because they knew I would tell them about their 'bombarass'! But one black guy, who was a friend of my white ex said "I had let him down". I told him my love life was not his concern and he should keep his opinion to himself. That nigga flew off the handle verbally abusing me and had to be held back from beating me up in da club. I think he was upset about it...! What a wanker!
I only look if...
a) it's a brotha and a white girl and she's driving him around, or if they both look tow' up... then the "reasons" become kinda self-explanatory;
b) it's a sista and white guy, and he's really cute. Then I start wondering if he has an equally-attractive brother somewhere.
Either way, it really doesn't bother me. If Treyvon likes Becky, I love her. (And if he's of the "black-women-are-too-strong" variety, I simply pity him. And her.)
Interesting how no one has brought up the black women who marry other races mostly because they want their children to have "good" hair and small noses... now THAT ish gets under my skin.
Fabulous post though. :-)
I'm a black woman and I don't look at black men when they are in interracial relationships (with white, latina, or asian women). I do not remotely acknowledge it and I feel as if they expect some type of reaction. I am completely NOT interested and don't feel that it is deserving of my attention. It's whatever to me. Date whomever you desire to date.
Of course, there can be exceptions, where I might feel compelled to sneak a BRIEF peek. for example if there is a huge age difference or if one person is morbidly obese and the other is quite thin. Or if one person is strikingly beautiful and the other looks like a walking H.A.M. sandwich. I might glance briefly, but I surely don't stare or ice grill them. No negative vibes are emitted. lol
But, I've been on the other side of the coin and have gotten heaps of attention and actual verbal outburts from strangers for dating interracially.
hell, where i live, i end up staring at BLACK couples; they're so rare here.
i remember my first trip to paris, where there are just as many black female-white male couples as the opposite. it was like some alternate universe, but i was glad the sistas were getting some appreciation (the perception and stereotype is, i assume, that white men will treat a black woman better than the average brotha will...but i'm talking about paris with a us paradigm in mind). it was also the first place i saw that kind of arrangement and didn't think the black women were prostitutes or just dirt poor, as is often the case in places like cuba, the dr, and brazil.
that is all.
As someone (a white guy) who dates a black girl- 90% of the rude stares come from white men, 90% of the rude comments come from black men. Ive never noticed females staring at all- or perhaps they are just more sly.
OMG GIRL YOU ARE CRAAAAAAAAAZY! LMAO. I'm loving your site, girl and am feeling everything you have to say. You are REAL! Plus you're really an effective writer, I love the way you throw those words together on the page. :)
LMAO since most of the previous comments made sum up my thoughts, I will conveniently extract them from the various comments...
If the girl is black and the man is white, my first thought is "Good for them!" (2nd comment)
i could really care less. i just like to look. like you said, i want to look at what they look like. like how'd becky get you? and then when i look at them i'm usually like ehhh whatever, you don't do it for me. and they always look so uncomfortable like i'm gonna start cursin them out! lol! boooo!! i'm so not stuttin you! (JAMIE, you said it girl)
Anonymous Detriot:
the brothas who have something real (hopefully) with a white woman shouldn't feel intimidated by the gaze any more than black women who love white men.
HOW TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Or in any normal relationship)
when I see interracial couples I always wonder what the motivation for it is. I understand if 2 people just like each other regardless of race, but what I don't understand is how some Black men can totally disregard Black women.
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