Tuesday, November 28, 2006

"She" Is Not Me

She made this bed.

And as I watched her lie writhing in it, restless, cold, stiff…my initial amusement later turned to sympathy.

I have a relentless habit of putting my feet in other folks’ shoes.

So when I saw her on Black Friday I wondered not if, but how much she regretted making the trip.

They walk into an upscale nightclub at the tail end of a private birthday party, just before the DJ would take over. Turns out the person throwing the party was his old football buddy. He walks into a sea of familiar faces, all foreign to her.

All except one.

She walks behind him, her steps subtly strained and reluctant. He is in his element, home, among friends, good people from his past. He’s greeted with genuine welcomes, daps, hugs and cheek kisses, and she watches from a step behind.

And as she rounds the bar, following him to a spot she hopes is beyond the crowd, she sees a face that is all too familiar. The face that haunts her memories of betrayal. The poster child of her insecurity and distrust of so-called plutonic friends.

It was her. The chick who had tried to take her place.

I saw her give the home wrecker the ice grill, a venomous mix of ‘I can’t believe this bitch is here,’ ‘did he know she was gonna be here,’ and ‘I wanna go the hell home.’ I saw her whip out her cellie and compose a flurry of furious text messages.

But she was stuck. Out of town, out of her element, out of place. I watched it all go down. The way the home wrecker used good discretion in turning her back when they entered, then reluctantly greeted him when he awkwardly approached. She sincerely explained that she was there for the private party of the football buddy, who ironically had been her Junior prom date. He settled in at the bar just past her. Just past her, but not far enough for the two women to avoid a direct line of vision.

Home wrecker played it as cool as she could. Downing Moet and ducking in the arms of her plutonic male friends, trying to persuade them it was time to go. But she was in no way being discreet. She was a bit extra flirty, her laugh a bit extra loud…just, extra! And she would not stop smoothing down her hair and checking her makeup. And none of it went unnoticed. Not by her or him.


She loved him. They’d been through a lot, a move among it all. He left her behind for work, and she remained by his side as best she could. It came easily, not because of her devotion but because they had been friends first. Little did she know, he had slowly come to see her as little more than such.

He was a good man, a great boyfriend, never a wanderer… so it came as a crushing blow when she felt his attention slipping away, focused elsewhere, she realized. The confrontation was severe, as was the blow induced by his honesty. Yes, he had been serious all those months that he had been expressing his uncertainty about their future. Yes, there was someone new…the Homewrecker.

She managed to convince him to give it another try. Despite her insecurities, despite the distance, despite their never ending battle about his bubbling social life, and abundance of plutonic female friends. Down South, where she was from, it wasn’t like that. Guys get phone calls and emails and text messages from girls who are giving it up. Plain and simple. She couldn’t get that out of her head…especially not after his one indiscretion.

She knew that there was a reason why he had drifted. They were of different breeds. He, a music-obsessed social butterfly…she, a more subdued homebody. Basically it was their past, a history of having the other’s back, that bonded them for another full unproductive year.

They ended it a while ago. Stopped speaking at her behest. But there were Thanksgiving plans, he reminded her, in an effort to get her to end the silent treatment. She finally spoke up two days before the holiday, and asked if she could still come to his hometown for the weekend as planned. She needed closure. In layman’s terms…another try. He said he’d think about it.

He called in reinforcements, but the decision was ultimately his. He says he feels like he owes her at least that after everything they've been through. Agrees when she says it shouldnt linger any longer. Would prefer to end it on a positive note rather than with the mess the last time they spoke, when SHE finally stuck a fork in it. They drove home on Wednesday after work.

And her plan might have worked had it not been for them pesky plutonic friends and that bitch. All night, he was mobbed by acquaintances, a good number of them women. Dancing and hugging and chatting them up. Sure, he and her were not together, but no doubt the point of this trip was to try to salvage what she could of this relationship. But this was overload. It was Thanksgiving dinner all over again… a constant barrage of overindulgence, and the subsequent nausea that followed. She was overwhelmed by it all and had nowhere to run. If he was still her man, she could demand they leave. Or at least if she was home she could drive herself or get a homegirl to come scoop her.

Instead she had insisted on taking this ill-fated trip, a last ditch effort to hold a man who was too polite, too indecisive, too sympathetic, too guilty, too scared to firmly end it. She exploited his wish-washy nature, and got trapped between the mistress and a hard place.

But it was the exact blunt trauma she needed to move the hell on.

Glad she aint me. I woulda never took that trip.


nikki said...

man, she NEEDED that. sometimes it gotta be blunt force trauma before a person 'gets it'.

and it's funny...i've been in her shoes somewhat. on the one hand, i didn't want the brotha to feel as though i was giving up on the relationship or him, so i kept trying to salvage it. sometimes i'm loyal to a fault and it plays out like i'm being indecisive when i'm really asking myself "would you want someone to give up on you? no...so cool your heels and try again lataz."

meanwhile, sometimes a situation is so detrimental to personal growth that it gotta be severed, period.

wouldn't this be a perfect world if folk would just tell it instead of acting like they're 'being nice' by not telling it when actually they're being pussies? since when is 'being nice' letting folk think everything is aiight when it isn't? that's a boosheet move her boy pulled.

i hope she got her closure.

Anonymous said...

i took that trip ... and while i regret the pain and hurt that it caused ... im glad i took it ... cause when i got home ... i knew what i had to do ... what had to be done ... and it was the best choice ive ever made pain and heartache aside!

So...Wise...Sista said...

I feel y'all on the necessity of it...and Nikki I feel you on your loyalty scenario. A good dose of reality is imperative. But damn, they had been broken up for a while already. Why put herself thru the added drama?? I'd rather just be miserable by my damn self. lol

Miz JJ said...

No way in hell I would have stuck around for that. I would just bounce. I always have enough cash for a taxi and hotel room. He wouldn't even know I was gone. Be a man about yours. If you know you don't want me anymore then say it do not be all wishy washy or act like a little bitch. I wish her luck in moving on.

Blah Blah Blah said...

I'dda went for the free trip and maybe ran up on some new hook up.... Da fuck outta here!!! Hell naw, I wouldn't have went...for what...we done... be gone mofo.

Ok...that was harsh... I probably wouldn't have acted that way. I'dda probably said... have a Happy Turkey day and then be done with the whole fake ass charade. People need to know...when it's done it's done.

GreatWhyte said...

Hellooooooo.... helloooooo? Monique? Is that you? DAMN if this doesn't sound like my story! I took the trip, I got theabrupt slap in the face...l SIGH. That just took me right back to that day :(

So...Wise...Sista said...

MizJJ says..."Be a man about yours. If you know you don't want me anymore then say it do not be all wishy washy or act like a little bitch."

See that's whay this is so nuts to me, bec he DID tell her it was over...and she STILL insisted on traveling with him. It's bizarre, I dont get it, but who the hell am I to be blog judgin and shit. lol

Blah...Not harsh at all! Now I could see if we lived in Miami or someplace hot...but dammit a free trip to hell woulda been better than this shit. ;)

X...Ok, when you took the trip did you already get the confirmation that it was over? Sorry for the flashback. lol

Jameil said...

i wouldn't have either.

-_- said...

Yes girl...talk about it.
I'm with Miz JJ...sometimes dudes need to man up.

Thanks for the info, sis! You're great. :o)

The Very Reverend Ace Clemmons, Jr. said...

if you take the trip, at least you can say you gave the relationship 100%, and there will never be any "what if's" on your part.

the very.

Little Brown Girl said...

Nope not touching that trip with a 10 foot pole. You couldn't pay me to put myself in that situation. When it's over you know its over...we gotta stop trying to fix shyt that is broken and instead cough up the courage to invest in something new.

Ok so I've been here before, but I learned enough to know that I ain't never going there again...yeah that is my lesson this week. "when people show you who they are you better believe them!!!" I'm done...on so many levels!!!

brooklyn babe said...

There's always the back story... that somehow keeps you blind to the FRONT story...


So...Wise...Sista said...

Jameil...Guess me and you woulda had to say eff it and go to Vegas for Thanksgiving. ;)

Solitaire...I HATES a bitch dude!

Rev says..."if you take the trip, at least you can say you gave the relationship 100%, and there will never be any "what if's" on your part."

Very true. But imagine the heartache of giving 100% AGAIN when the other person's already exhausted their efforts...and told you so.

RD says..."when people show you who they are you better believe them!!!"

THE FIRST TIME, girl. Believe them the first time, and dont let that shit happen over and over. That is my mantra.

BK...Dammit that is SO on point. lol

expressions of mirth said...

This hit a little too close to home. The sad thing thing is, dude wasn't even worth the effort. Now I know the best thing he ever did was let me go. The person I am now wouldn't go near anyone like him with a ten-foot pole and I am VERY thankful for that!

onefromphilly said...

Hindsight is sooooo 20-20.
It's easy now to know how I would handle that, but back when I was in my early 20's, even with my hair-trigger temper, I might have made that trip....

But that hair trigger temper would have set it the fuk-off up in there just for the hell of it! LMAO

Ms.Honey said...

Sometimes you gotta be there in someone's face to know that it's over and there is no going back...It's happened to me before..trying to salvage something that's been over and it took me a moment to finally realize that it was over...and there was no revisiting it...but man I remember how it felt..I feel for her

Anonymous said...

There are times when you need that kick in the face before you realize. I know it had to happen to me and I was still stubborn to admit it.

So...Wise...Sista said...

Chanel...That sounds like a very special episode of Facts of Life. lol Thats why hindsight is such a bitch...you realize how much time was wasted on a effing loser!

1Philly says..."But that hair trigger temper would have set it the fuk-off up in there just for the hell of it! LMAO"

Now that's what I'm talkin bout! That woulda been a much funnier blog entry. lol

HoneyL...I know how it feels to lose somebody so i cant even IMAGINE to have it go down like this. But you've actually helped me see this in a whole new, more sympathetic way.

Eps...Somehow it seems a lot less pathetic when it happens to a guy. Dunno why.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you told this story like it was a chapter in a book.

I took a trip like that not long ago. Hell, it happens to everybody.

So...Wise...Sista said...

Thanks Diva! So it's a sort of rite of passage for some? :)

Sympathists of the EX-girl will be happy to know that I just learned that despite what I witnessed on Friday night, the couple had a fun time together last weekend, achieved civil closure, and are indeed no longer a couple.

La said...

The woman that I am now, I'd never take that trip.

But I understand the reasoning behind it.

I too was that woman that needed that final THING that made it hurt so bad I'd never forget it. And never go back.

I don't know why. But I'm glad I grew out of it.

GreatWhyte said...

Sorry, I'm really late in responding to your question. It's all good about the flashback... no, I didn't have confirmation before I went about what was in store for me. It was a TOTAL surprise (but apparently only to me!). Men....

M-Dubb said...

That was beautifully written. Damn.

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