In a late addition, I have a new fav. Anyone seen the show on the Country Channel (oh hush!) where the washed up singers are competing to be a country singer?? All I have to say is...Carney.Wilson (remember that video for "Hold On" where they wre walking and she was all struggling to keep up. Ahh, I LOVE her. (she also got the bootleg gastro.)...DianaDegarmo (the young chick who got her ass whupped by Fantasia)...MarciaBrady (who knew she sang beyond the Brady variety show)...ok lemme cut to the chase. SISQ0! (My homeboy works with his mom and she had mentioned he was doing a reality show. YES!!),,,and BOBBYBROWN! All I can say is, can someone pls watch with me!!
And PS...who is the Puerto Rican (Mexican) broad on CleanHouse and where in the mayhem hell is Neicy?!!
I got issues...]
It just rarely occurs to me to plop down on the couch and pop in a dvd and watch a movie.
Cuz I got cable.
Eff a writers' strike, yo. I’ve been saying it for years (roughly around the time Survivor, Love.Cruise & Temptation.Island debuted)…this is the second Golden Era of TV (the ‘50s is considered the first…Uncle Milty, Jenny Benny, etc.).
Sure, I miss Greys and Negro Night on the CW, but here’s what’s been my pop culture Prozac so far this winter (seasonal depression is a bitch!)...
OK…so right now I’m switching btwn that dance crew Randy Jackson show, and Scott Baio. These are two great examples of what I love out of my Golden TV.
First off, Randy done gained back all that gastric bypass weight. What he get the bootleg surgery?? Anywho…Little Known Wise Fact…In my heart I’m a backup dancer. Like, on tour and everything. So I'm all over this (as well as that JLo dancer show, and So You Think..Dance (by why there always gotta be a British commentator chick?)) These competition shows are fun because you get to latch onto the personalities. After five minutes you’re pretty hooked on the crew from Boston who ain’t know how in the hell they were getting back home. Son, the Skate Crew! And of COURSE the Asian one is everyone’s fav. Other than that though, the judges blow (Shane is cool, but Lil Lip Gloss and JC “Sashay,” boo. Ok Lip Gloss isn’t bad.). But what could be better than hearing AC Slater talk all hip hop (and sometimes Mexican).
I’m in!
Now, celeb reality shows?? *SIGH* Just a piece of heaven here on earth. I mean, when was the last time you made a Jonie L0ves Chachi joke, huh?? But put Scotty in front of a camera, add the brother from Wonder Years, a few other lackeys, some bitter exes, and frankly, it’s enough to hold my attention (every week). There is really nothing extraordinary about this show, except that he’s sarcastic, anti-social and neurotic as fcuk, is literally almost 50 and without child or wedding and lost his virginity to Erin Moran. But there’s something to be said about these narrated Look at Me shows (I’m also slightly enamored with Life 0f Ryan). I Heart Them.
But REALLY…it’s the precursor to one of the best things to happen to me in 2008. Celeb Rehab! Lucifer, where to even begin! I guess the obvious place to begin is with Kinicki, but then you’d have to also end there. What a tool that one. But I prefer to remind everyone… because it’s easy to forget that there’s anyone else there besides him, that blond whore one, and the Baldwin… that the little sister from offa Urkle is on it! Yes! The one who went upstairs one episode and never came back downstairs! No, not the cooning cousin lil Richie (who’s now on Young&the Restless and deaf ,or can he hear now??)). The little girl who turned out to be a porn star!! Apparently she’s a weedhead (son, ALL my friends smoke every morning. *shrug*)
I actually did pop in a dvd this afternoon. I had to catch the first two episodes of the Wire. DatNucca and I “watched” episode 3 last week, but I had missed the first two, so my homegirl slid them to me (which I watched out of order. Genius.)
So if you’re not watching this show it’s probably because you don’t have HBO. What can I say? It’s brilliantly written and has the best cast on tv. I’d say easily one of the best I’ve ever seen. I’m partial to Seasons 1 & 4, but as a media head this one intrigues me. LOVE the Sun editor cat. He’s old school yet on point and in touch. And it’s impossible not to watch wide eyed every time Snoop is on screen if for no other reason than that she is so gotdam BMore it’s sick.
People marched in protest outside the BMore premiere, saying it was a negative portrayal of the city and of the black folks here. It is. There are lots of negative folks here from what I can tell. But what that opinion ignores is the human face the Wire puts on them. You protest this piece of art but don't say shit about the other mess on tv and in movie theaters?? The hood has a story. The city has a complex history. And the show is fantastic about showing the layers and multi-dimensions in a human and authentic way.
Plus McNulty’s effing hot. (he grabbed my ass in this pic...and I liked it)

Speaking of hot…how come every straight woman I know is in love with Shane?

Frankly, I’m not into the stringy/skinny/white/chick…but I get it. Either way, the L-Word is my shit! Jenny’s a plum mess…and I can’t WAIT for her psycho assistant to flip out. Max is like, the quiet brooding genius that keeps getting provoked. I’m patiently waiting for her/him to shoot up the Planet. Tina blows. Alice is too wack for the black chick. And why do I find “Flashdance” and “Hear No Evil” to be the best couple ever…except the worst and I’m ready for them to break up.
I still haven’t forgiven them for killing off Dana.
I kinda wish MTV would kill off Real.World. I can’t watch. I know it seems that I’d be all over it, but I’ve just about aged out of the franchise. I just cant (anymore. i was obsessed as recently as Philly ...and kinda Denver) But I CAN however get with the Challenges. My word. See, the whole thing about reality competition like I said, is that once you hook me I’m in. And these are built-in people I’ve seen drunk, vomit on each other, make out, fight, and cry. (Am I the only one who loves CT in all his drunk-violent-brutedness!) And all I have to say is it’s about time they start showing the hook ups. Who cares about the games anyway!
I could go on and on and mention ProjectRunway, anything on Style, etc., but I’ll end with probably my most anticipated show of the “season.” I need to write MTV and ask them nicely to stop promo’ing shit 4 months ahead. Cuz by the time Making.the.Band comes on I’m sure to perish. I cant wait. I was hooked on the last season (1969, are you ready?!) This season's concept is brilliant...Fine ass Will, my hometown boy Q, plus the chicks and the Don?
[Here's their single...]
I heart this post! I'm ashamed to admit it but i'm addicted to reality tv! I thought I was the only black girl who watched the Life of Ryan. Loves it! And celeb rehab is actually hilarious. you didn't mention it but the Bad girls Club is pure comedy..Pop off son! Pop off! I'm from Brooklynn! good stuff!
Like you i'm so over Real World! I can't take anymore anorexic white chicks who sleep with everyone when their drunk and proclaim that they're Jesus freaks when they're sober.
Before I continue I would like to thank God for DVR! Without it I don't know how I would watch my two fav shows on Sunday! The Wire & the L Word. I can't believe u don't love shane. I didn't before but this season she's looking ALOT better! I wish Bette & Tina would get back together and as a concilatoin prize they should give the deaf chick a cochlear implant.
Chile know its sistas all over googling skateboard shit now. lol It's not tomuch that I love it (I actually ABHOR the way he monotone-reads his monologues)...but I like i'm in. So easy, I am. *sigh*
So, I kinda got a cable dilemma. I get full cable at half-cable price, and I cant bear to upgrade to digital and ruin my $10/month bill. So I get the whole BET, TV One, ESPN, MTV, etc...but no Oxygen, for some reason. :(
Now...if Bette & Tina get back together Im too thru. She's SO lame and Bette (my Shane) is TOO dope for her. I'm absolutely done without you for messing with Jodi! (why she dont get the implant in real life, or does she have it??)
Shane is all hair...which, you're right, is looking a whole lot less of a mess this season! But dont she be getting it in!
I have to admit, I'm a reality junkie, too. I mean, I keep forgetting to TiVo the Scott Baio show, but I'm hooked on Celebrity Rehab, Biggest Loser and the Celebrity Apprentice right now. I had the Australian Open to keep me busy but, alas, it ended this weekend.
Long time no see...
Yeah, cable has never been so good (since the 50s, that is).
Celeb Rehab is that show; I can hardly wait for the next weeks episode. I feel like I've been waiting on MTB4 (season 2?) for-ever!! I wanna hear them boys sing! I'm too thrilled LOST is finally coming back. I'm pissed that my free Showtime ran out just as The L word began (seriously considering ordering it back), but I least I can still watch The Wire. And I'm giddy about the RW/RR Challenge! Sidenote: I heart Rob & Big! They are my favorite show on TV now.
I can't wait to get home and watch some TV! I too would like to thank God for DVR, otherwise I'd never get to watch everything I want.
MDubb...Ive missed you. And omg I completely forgot about Celeb Apprentice. I saw the first ep and didnt hate it.
Oh, I get some kinda way when shows switch Im skeptical of Biggest Loser without C. Rhea as host. At least she was kinda thick.
BGood...Rehab is just ridiculous. I mean, how is it 2008 and we're JUST getting this gem of a show. I personally cant WAIT til Season 2, when stars start BEGGING to be on it.
Now here's the remarkable thing...I dont have DVR...which I think is why Im not too codependent on any network shows that dont get rerun a couple hundred times a week like cable shows. lol
OK...Rob & Big...I cant. (I used to, but no more. Im pretty sure the pony ruined it for me...but I kinda resent The Toy element of it all).
Wise I heart mini horse! The episode with the turtle was hilarious! I forgot about the celebrtiy apprentice...not really feeling it though. I love reruns of the biggest loser! Does anyone know what happened to that show starting over? I was addicted to Iyanla Vanzant making those women cry and locking them in little rooms to recall their childhoods. classic realty tv right there!
Am I the only one who thinks that if I watch project runway I can learn how to sew? Cuz I swear i'm gonna make me a dress for the summer with just a few more episodes!
The only show on network tv that I watch is Cashmere mafia. Could this be a problem? Maybe we can start a rehab show about ppl addicted to reading blogs and watching reality tv.
OH! MY! GAWD! I'm so in love with L Word after watching all the latest episodes this past weekend. Its like thinking girl's porn. But more than that, its just plain old entertaining.
And for some reason I have an obsession with VH1's sarcastic as hell reality TV shows. It's like they are kinda funnin' us bit not really.
And as a personal aside, son, whats the deal with drinks?
The Wire is the business. An because I have no kinda cable, I have my people record it and send it to me every three eps.
Me and you? I 2 I. I love me some reality TV. Celebrity Rehab has me laughing like a hyena on Thursday nights. And much like Quarter Life, I am waiting for someone to Pop Off! I'm from Brooklyn Son! Those girls are comedy gold! Tanisha walking around banging pots and pans. *SMH* Hilarious. But you know what you have to watch? the new game show Moment of Truth. That is gonna get someone killed, divorced, fired, something. In the first 10 minutes there was a question about dude putting of having a child with his wife because he wasnt sure she'd be around for the long haul. And he answered it true. OMG. That's a train wreck waiting to happen.
If you need something to watch that's fully scripted then I would suggest Friday Night Lights. One of the best shows on TV that no one is watching outside of The Wire. RIP Proposition Joe. *sigh*
Q...Yeah, what happened to Starting Over! (same producers as Real.World. wtf?!)
Im more than a bit concerned that you're now a seamstress via Tim Gunn, but whatev, make it work! (Lucifer, I'm even engaged in realityspeak!)
Jonzee...ok, clearly we need to have L Word parties. Ill bring the bourbon. Drinks are SO in order. Was out of town last week but back in the swing now. I'm in!
VDiz...I feel you! Living in Bmore if you dont watch it night of, you're screwed (which is usually the case for me). lol
Pretty...I watched Truth last week and I couldnt believe dude lied about the female clients?? If they revealed the answers a lil faster I'd be all over it!
I think Ive seen Friday Night Lights before...but it was too dreary. Like, literally it looked like it was filmed in Gnome, Alaska or somewhere with only an hour of sunlight. lol I do mess with 30 Rock/Office/Scrubs when I remember that they exist. lol
I so heart you for this post. The L Word is my favorite show on TV, and NONE of my friends will watch it! I shudder to think of Bette and Tina getting back together because like you, I think Bette is WAY too fabulous for her. But it looks like that's where they're heading. And Jenny? She should SO be taken out back and stabbed in the carotid artery. Her funky ass, fake celebrity attitude is working my LAST nerve! But I love Shane's character, but I don't find her at all attractive... she's just too skinny for me. But who I LOVED (and is now gone) is Papi... I miss her. And they didn't really say what happened to her- she was just gone like little Judy on "Family Matters." And speaking of little Judy... GIRLLLLLLL. Celebrity Rehab makes my LIFE! I had no idea it would be so entertaining to watch people struggle through rehab! I read an article in some magazine yesterday at work about Dr. Drew and his whole concept behind creating the show. The article talked about how the Baldwin guy left early because he got busted showing one of the women pictures of his genitals, and the guy with the back surgery is back hone still taking Norco. **sigh** It's just so sad to be that rich and that troubled. But is it just me, or does everyone else not remember the white girl from American Idol? I simply cannot place her face. Ah well... I love the show!
X...None of your friends watch? That just won't do. Nor will Bette&Tina back together. No ma'am.
OMG Papi? What the hell WAS that? She was truly the worst. Souljah Girl however is why is she with Alice, who of COURSE is gona fuck up everything. I cant.
PS...How many episodes til Angelica shoots herself with Kit's new gun?
Rehab is simply a gift. AmericanIdol girl? No clue. None. But I love the crackhead mom back story.
MTB pre-show before the show? Who did I blow to get this extra televised blessing?!
I HATE Big Mike. Me and him aint gonna get along at ALL. Aubrey either.
Q got the key to our city. Aw!
OMG all I can say after watching the episode is... how long til the inevitable nasty Aubrey/Donnie breakup?!
The only joint I can really get with now (reality wise) is The Moment of Truth...I think they trying to break up relationships on that joint.
The Wire is my joint and people in the city who complain about it just seem stupid. Anyone who lives here can tell you the city is effed the eff up. At least The Wire makes it more interesting. I only caught one ep. this season. Has Sonja Sohn been on yet. I saw her at Artscape...not as slim "ahem" as I thought...I would have spoken to her, but I was too distracted.
I loooove Celeb Rehab!!! Thats my joint right there!!!
we got some favorite shows in common! and yes, real world must die...
okay, so i haven't seen any of these shows. i was actually boycotting television. i will say that i caught a glimpse of real world and making the band. i think making the band is gonna be on FIYAH.
celebrity rehab? it looks too painful to watch really. the guy from taxi looks like he's a breath away from just dying where he stands.
I am ready for MTB!!!! It's gonna be great as long as they don't show too much Danity Kane. UGH. You know I love Will. :)
You can keep all of those dance shows....LOST is back. I can now retreat, undisturbed to my sofa.
mtb/celeb reality/Scott Baio/PROJECT RUNWAY!!!! how could i live w/o these things?!?! LOVE ITTTTT!! i'm glad to pass the tv torch! style and food network! oooh! you should soooo watch the millionaire matchmaker. that show is hot. and yes, real world is so over!!
I'm feeling hella left out. I'm so incredibly cheap that I refuse to buy cable, so if it isn't Gossip Girl, I don't know what the hell is going on, lol.
Amadeo...Moment.Truth would be my absolute fav if they hurried the hell up! They could run thru like 3 couples if they wanted to but noooo, they gotta draw it out all dramatic. :(
As for Kima...Is it wrong that I was kinda upset that when I met her she didnt try to grab my ass (bec I expect people to be the character on TV, not their "real selves." Who the hell cares about your real self?! lol (She was in Ep 3 with a few 1iners. That's all I remember)
Epsi...Fantastic right!
Christina...Full disclosure...I do end up watching like every other RR season. Remember the crazy broad that was yelling and liked the christian gay boy from Denver? I ALWAYS hate the international ones. Boo.
Nikki...Rehab is like a needle in my eyelid. It hurts so bad. But it's SOOO good! Taxi (also Kinicki from Greece) is basically dead, but somehow he's still able to speak. He is hands down a dream come true.
1969...i'm so jealous of you Lost folks. I feel so left out. :(
Jameil...Matchmaker? Tell me EVERYTHING!
Shani...I would *blank stare* you, but that wouldnt be nice. I feel you, I'm a cheapy too. But I'd spend my last red dime for some Bravo. :)
All...How on earth could I forget Divorce.Court...I mean, the Brady show!!!
OMG it's part Newlyweds part L World! Excellent. In all seriousness, why are they even married?
yes! brook is crazy! and now she's a lesbian too (dont know where that came from? lol) and real world sydney was weak.
Life of Ryan IS intriguing too (its kinda funny to me how he puts pauses in between words in his voice overs lol).
Jenny on The L Word annoys the hell out of me...when i watch it on demand i just fast forward thru all her parts lol
Ok... so you dead wrong for the mysterious pic... you gotta show me a real one... we hometown sistas...
The ROC is in the building...
not a big reality tv person, but some of the shows are entertaining only because of the idiotic nature of the individuals.
cool post.
now im caught up without having to watch any of them.
You know how I feel about L-Word... i did a 3 part post on Going Gay JUST from that damn
I am a Wire junkie. Every season. One of, if not the best show on television. This season is probably going to be the best season ever. My favorite was season 1, but this season might be better. Maybe we finally get the chance to see why they really merc'd Stringer Bell.
lol @ bootleg surgery
Christina...Brook is a psycho lesbo who will be a gift to the world for many years to come!
You cant fast fwd jenny!! She's gonna get beat up any day now. I'm sure of it.
Yo, why do I be thinking that Ryan is kinda hooked on phonics??
Eb...When you go home do you and your crew be up in Venu throwing up the Roc sign (taking pics with your Kodak digital camera, no less)?:)
No I'm the 2nd frm the right...
DC...Im pretty sure being an idiot is required for casting...if not for allowing cameras to follow you around drunk 24/7. lol
Blah...I do recall the Lemme guess, you're in the Straight Girls for Shane club? Or you feeling Souljah Girl?
Don...I'm partial to Season 1 (tho Im the only person I know who also loved Season 2). But I think 4 had the most depth. It's ridiculous how good the show is.
All this time I thought I was alone in this world..Wait till I tell my lady they are others like
i'm all up in that country show girl!! thong song and bobbay! (gotta say it like maya rudolph on snl... also acceptable is "bobby BEEEEE!") o.m.gah! love it. and no niecy on cleanhouse?!?! what's this world coming to!??! i SO yell out "FOOLISHNESS!" incessantly. its hilarious. hahaha
Uh Wise....did Diddy say that Robert had bytchazzedness disease?
Slishy...There's a support group out there for us...somewhere (and they better have cable!)
Jameil...OMG the country show is the best kept secret on tv, I'm convinced. Clean House without Neicy is complete mayhem and whatnot. lol
1969...SON! But the true brilliance of his adamant statements on the matter is that there's no bitch ass bigger than him. LOVE it!
Aaaahhh... you met Mcnulty... he look s like he would have a thing for some chocolate...LOL
The Wire is really getting wild... I'm sad there are only 2 more episodes!
And yes when i come home I be up in Venu... you know their aint no where else to go in the ROC... but no I dont have a crew that throw the ROC sign up in the air...LOL!
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