Since I'm sharing more about me then you'd ever care to know, this time I'm calling folks out...I'm tagging The Rev, CNelly, "My" Neil and Nikki to answer either of the two. too if you've lifted the ban on tags.
Shout out to DP who recently did an amazing "105 Things About Me" post.
YOUR FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE......What do ya'll remember?
School: Syracuse University...aka..."Sorry Excuse" Univ.

Lawrinson Hall. The tower next to the Dome. 12th, then 9th floor.
Who was/were your roommate(s)?
"Gay Bartender".
Do you still talk to them?
She just asked me to write a bullshit article for her (she's an editor at a top urban mag). I don't wanna do it, but I will bec we've been friends since 4th grade.
Ever get in trouble in the dorms?
Got kicked out for repeatedly violating quiet hours. Terrorized the RA after we got kicked out. Commissioned several lackies to pull fire alarms to punish the crew girls who had to wake up early and always snitched on us when we were loud.
Something you remember about when you first lived on campus?
Most of the blacks lived in the dorm that was up the block from the projects. There was 24 hour security and you needed ID to get in. Most of the rich kids lived up on "The Mount"...a set of dorms literally situated up on a hill looking down on the poor folk..
Your campus phone number or other number:
First party attended?
The ice cream social sponsored by the dorm. Good music, dancing. Met this boy we still call "Ice Cream." He grew up to be an extra on Chappell's Show.
First Bar you got wasted at?
Believe it or not, I was a late bloomer to the bars (maybe second semester sophomore year). Usually drank in the brother used to bring us Seagrams gin any time he'd visit. But the name of the first bar escapes me, maybe Harry's, but whatever it was I remember they had Dollar Shots Night.
Favorite Pizza Place?
I've blocked out so many college details, but my fav spot was this place on M Street where one of my friends worked. I just called another friend, who informs me the spot was called Cosmo's.
Favorite place to go out to eat?
The Faculty Center. Best panninis and pasta.
Did you go to the library?
There was a library right behind my dorm and I was SO focused! I'd go there every evening to do my work.
What was your Favorite Floor you'd always be on?
Either the second or basement. Depended on my mood. lol
Club, Athletics, Frat or Sororities, you joined?
I played on the intramural basketball team. Hit a game winning free throw...and I'm normally like Shaq at the line. Also produced a music video program, and wrote features for the black student magazine.
Where did you buy your books?
From the used section of the bookstore...or from the cash register of my hookup.
Who made the best wings?
My mom! She'd always send me back to campus after home visits with a bucket of wings and we used to hide them shits in the clothes hamper so fiends wouldn't know we had any when they came to our room.

Saw Iverson play.
Ever attend a concert or comedic performance?
I think freshman year we missed the Greek freak concert. Not sure why.
Have you ever spent the night on campus not in your dorm hall?
Freshman year? Naw, I was a good girl...all my jump-offs were in-house. lol
Favorite night to go out on, and where did you go?
Friday nights...usually to a frat party at the student center.
Where did you get coffee?
Wasn't a big consumer then (more of a Mountain Dew chick), but Dunkin Donuts when I needed it, or this little cafe hidden in a loft on M Street.
Favorite part of Halloween?
I have absolutely no recollection of it.
Go see a play or been in one?
I did see a RA was a theater major. Glass Menagerie, I think. A Soldier's Play.
Did you ever have a job at school?
Freshman year I worked in the grad school admissions office. It was considered off-campus and had a pretty good hourly wage. Wait a minute, I don't think I worked until sophomore. I musta been hella broke freshman year.
What do you hate about your college?
The list is way too long....horrible race relations, they could give a shit about broke kids, politics like corporate America, cold as hell, shitty administration, no social life, kids are dumb, student paper sucks, etc, etc. Not the best 4 years of my life to say the least. ;)
What did you love most about it?
Best Broadcast Journalism program in the country. Hands down.
Ever leave to go on a road trip, where?
Best road trips were always to home for the weekend!
Where would you believe is the best location to live in?
South Campus apts on Winding Ridge Road. Among the best apts I've ever had, including as a "grown up".
Graduated or still attending?
Funny you should ask...I've been out of school and out in the real world for years now, yet I JUST got my degree certification like 2 weeks ago. I requested my transcripts in September and there was a 'no grade' on a course I took in '99, because the professor said she never got my final paper and my attendance sucked. Granted, I stopped going bec SHE stopped going (she was sick I think and there were all these guest lecturers), and I went to work instead. But I DID do the final.
So I had to find my old college disks (Mac, no less), find my final paper (an ethnography about black athletes), print it out on a Mac at Kinkos (I have a PC), track down the professor (who no longer works there), send her the essay and the change of grade forms and have her send it back to the school. She changed my grade to a B+. I also had to make up a course I had dropped Jr year. So I took Public Speaking for 5 Saturdays 9-5pm last October at a community college. Got an A. I completed all that before Christmas '05. THEN the registrar bullshitted and took 4 months to process my paperwork.
See what I mean about crappy administration! But I am done!
Will you go back?
For school? Hell no.
Been asked back for some career workshops and panels...also went back to visit "Gay Bartender," who did her grad there.
How many parking tickets have you gotten there?
Never had a whip there. :(
Finally, ever gotten arrested?
Thankfully, no brushes with the long arm of the law.
And now for the "4 Things" questions...
>Four nicknames I've been given: Gum, Bob, Babe, Harlem
>Four movies I would watch over and over: Love Jones, Willy Wonka (not that Johnny Depp mess) Sound of Music, Selena
>Four jobs that I have had in my life:
1. Nursing Home waitress (my 1st job in high school)
2. Office Assistant (work study)
3. Hostess for a company called TV Preview. They'd invite people to watch old azz TV pilots and ask their opinions...but it was really a front to get consumers in front of some TV test ads and get their opinions about the products. I'd walk them to their seats and pass out pencils. (Summer btwn soph and jr years college)
4. Associate Producer (1st grown up job out of school)
>Four places I have lived: Brooklyn, Harlem, TX, Upstate NY
>Four TV shows I like to watch: Sopranos, SportsCenter, The L Word, Girlfriends, (honorable mention: reality and classic TV)
>Four places I have been on vacation: Jamaica, Ottawa, Senegal, New Orleans
>Four things I could NOT live without: My fam, laptop, cable TV, white wine
>Four of my favorite foods: Macaroni & Cheese, bufallo wings, pizza, salad
>Four places I would rather be right now: a Roots concert, in bed with a (good) lover, a great restaurant, asleep
So you know these things tend to inspire me to make up a tag of my own in the vein of "Would you rather be a midget or crackhead?" and "If you could only listen to 3 songs for the rest of your life what would they be?" Stay tuned...
this is the longest tag in the history of tags. damn you. LOL
your college experience sounds interesting. i actually considered attending syracuse and went through the motions to get accepted. then i realized i was tired of hanging around alot of white folks so i transferred to florida a&m instead. i've got alot of shit to say about THAT experience.
mac 'n cheese is my fav dish and one of the few dishes i cook really well. LOL
roots concert...gonna hit that in the next couple of weeks if i don't decide to sell my ticket and go to vegas instead. yeah, that'd be ridiculous to sell a roots ticket, but hopefully i'll be able to check them out afterwards (if i sell the ticket, that is.)
oh, and iverson looks positively ADORABLE in that photo. i forgot just how cute the brotha is.
Yo, go directly to and sell them muhfuckas right now! They tour like the damn Rolling'll catch them again!
My college experience was really not that exciting at all. Miserable most of the time. Thank Marlon (another famu alum, i believe) for the long azz college tag...but the "4 Things" ain't so bad. I got them both on the same day so decided to do a 2 for 1.
Yo, I'm looking forward to your own so..wise tag. That sh*t was ridiculously entertaining.
Man I could go for some wings right now...
i'll step up....:
>Four nicknames I've been given:
Sparky, The Ambassador, Tough Guy, Ace.
Four movies I would watch over and over: Cinema Paradsio, Deat Poets Society, Last Tengo in Paris, the original Godfather
>Four jobs that I have had in my life:
1.Pharmacy Technician _ i got this job in h.s. @ 14 years old. I stol about 6 dozen
condoms, even tho i wasnt having sex yet. My thought was: "just in case"
2. I sealed foundations on historic homes one summer. It had to be done from the outside and all by hand. I'd have to dig 5 foot deep trenches aroundthe house and then seal the foundation. Hardest job i ever had. I had 2% body fat when i had that job
3. i toured with a hard core band that was ont he road with GG Allin for a while . Words cannot describe what went on. Hit this link, but not while your eating.:
4. i'm actually an ordained reverend.
>Four places I have lived:
London, NJ, Washington DC, Virginia
>Four TV shows I like to watch: I dont really have "TV" per se. all i have is something to Watch DVD's on. I found that I really have little or no time to watch it so i'd rather watch what i want to , and when i want to. That said: I Love Netflix! I end up renting series that
i can gobble up a lot of at once
Deadwood, Sopraons, Battlestar Gallactica, 6 feet under. Honorable mention- The l-word. Its just hot to see girls making out
>Four places I have been on vacation:
At one point i was a heavy touring musician so i have seen almost all of the states. My parents woud contend that I've always been on vactaion (not in a good way)
Mexico City, Key West, Oslo, Stockholm
Four things I could NOT live without:
my hearing, , music, drums ( i think). My head. I dont think i could live without my head.
Four of my favorite foods:
RIBS!, Chili, Sushi.. and Whisky. Good Whiskey too. followed by Deep red wines, like Zinfindels, Syrahs, Pinotage, Cabernet...
Four places I would rather be right now:
i'd love to be in New Orleans right now for JAzzfest,
I think it would be fun to bein either tokyo or Shenghei
I bit into the apple Eve, I bit into the apple.
Hmmm Syracuse eh, so you got connects, keep in contact with me, please. You can help me land a killer job!
Oh I love the honesty by the way!
That story about your credits is a tad ridic.
TCas...I'm working on one with YOUR name on it!
Honey Libra...I'm always down. But you ain't had wings 'til you have them from "Country Sweet" in Upstate NY. Let's roll. lol
Rev...Very revealing. Nice. ">Four jobs that I have had in my life:
1.Pharmacy Technician _ i got this job in h.s. @ 14 years old. I stol about 6 dozen
condoms, even tho i wasnt having sex yet. My thought was: "just in case" "
Umm, you don't still have those jimmies do you? ;)
CNelly says "Hmmm Syracuse eh, so you got connects, keep in contact with me, please. You can help me land a killer job!"
I got you covered, playboy.
"That story about your credits is a tad ridic."
No, that story is more than a TAD's insane. And sadly, true.
"Rev...Very revealing. Nice. ">Four jobs that I have had in my life:
1.Pharmacy Technician _ i got this job in h.s. @ 14 years old. I stol about 6 dozen
condoms, even tho i wasnt having sex yet. My thought was: "just in case" "
Umm, you don't still have those jimmies do you? ;)"
would be pretty sad if i Did!!
Hi Fellow! I was just searching blogs,and I found yours! I like it!
If you have a moment, please visit my a's restaurant and music cafe site.
Good luck!
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