What is that about? I come from a family of men with beautifully thick and healthy goatees and beards…so this is truly beyond me. But brothas, pls help me understand.
What are you doing with no facial hair??
I can kinda see it on white guys…their hair isn’t as tame as ours is on the face. Their shit tends to look like this guy:
I love to see a brotha, relaxed, head resting back in the barber chair getting his face "lined up." Granted, I imagine there's pressure and even rules in corporate America, and of course the effects of aging that make brothas think they don't look every bit of retirement age without a nice 'stache. But it always strikes me as really odd when I see a dude with no hair on his face. Truth be told it bugs me.
Don Cheadle...brilliant actor. Love him in everything he's in. But I am constantly distracted by that upper lip!Isnt this so much better?
Isaiah Washington... so handsome back in his Love Jones days...but what the hell is this?
I am convinced that somewhere out there is a memo that states that bare faces are less threatening. What else can explain this Grey's Anatomy nakedface?
Jay Z...I remember Nas making mention of the baldy in one of his diss records.
Couldnt agree more. Very camel-esque.
Vince Young has that half a goatee joint, that leaves the most important part exposed. Word up, cutie looks like a contender at the Preakness.
Honorable Mentions...
What's the deal, boys? Do tell...
I give a fukc...Don Cheadle ANY WAY is good for me. I'd do that man bare lip...would do him bushy lip to tickle the inside of my thighs...as long as he didn't try to come up and kiss me and shit afterwards. lol
'Cause juices and whatnot all stuck up in the 'stache and beard is not a good thing.
Sheeeet! you eat cooch NOT me...go wash your mouf. lol
This was too funny. My little brother and I have a running joke that all Black men should have facial hair. One time I accidentally shaved off my mustache and I looked way too non threatening. White people wouldnt even get outta my way when I was walking. LOL
I used to say "Never trust a Black man without a mustache". Now, every other brotha I know has deaded his shit.
It's a youth movement. Trying to look younger. Back in the day I'd never touch my 'stache, now I hit it with the #1 guard on the clippers. Why? Cuz that shit would be salt and pepper that's why. I'm not a kid (I'm 35) but shit I'm not Ossie Davis either.
I dont have facial hair because that ish refuses to grown. So i try and let my lil mini-goatee and mini-moustache grow as much as I can!! Im tired of lookin 13!!! Hahaha
First and foremost, why is Gary Coleman up there? All these attractive, successful RESPECTED black men and then.. BAM Gary Coleman.
At any rate, you have a point with some of these gentlemen. Isaiah Washington definately needs some facial hair. To be honest, I didn't recognize him from Love Jones until you made the connection. And Don Chealde looks so much more commanding with that facial hair. Thas a sexy pic right there.
But I still like a clean face every once in a while. I dunnon, it depends on the guy and my mood.
Moustache came in at about 15. NEVER went away although trimmed up different ways. Goatee in place for a few seasons, full beard easy potential BUT I shave it. I'll roll with a shadow sometimes but I just can't do the Gerald Levert/Common thing. Anonymous Detroit.
I remember when I cut my facial hair off and I look like a 15 year old.
I wish I could get the whole goatee thing to grow for me, but alas Mustache ...check, chin hair...check, hair to connect the two...just won't quite grow all the way.
I hear that some people would rather cut all their facial hair off then to have to worry about the actual upkeep of it.
Cleary, I'm not a boy but you and me are on the same page with facial hair!!! Please! Grow some!! Leave the baldies to Asian men who can't grow it anyway! My last dude reminded me of Isaiah in Love Jones...gotta be the beard.
Joe "Camel-esque"... ON POINT! LOL
I read in a Black Sun Signs book that horned females (Taurus, Capricorn, Aries) are the type who'll ask a guy if he'll grow a beard for us. So wise...so true.
Blah says..."Sheeeet! you eat cooch NOT me...go wash your mouf. lol"
You got a point there...but I still love the juicy 'stache!
Wouldn't want that T Cas...My boy Entourage did that 'oops I shaved it all off' thing once and was so depressed until it grew back in...but I've noticed now that white girls have noticed him he's a bare lipped muhfucka way too often now! And he looks so 'I love white girls.' lol
I'm with you and your bro, all brothas need it!
KZ...Yeah I figured it was an age thing...trying to recapture your youth and all. But the salt an pepper look is sooooo sexy. But I know you're still in pursuit of young azz so wouldnt really work for you. But damn, they got that tiny dye brush from dudes!
RIP Ossie!
Oooh, Eps...I know your pain.My nephew nurses his lil bitta stubble. You work what you got sugar. lol And I too, have that 'I look like I'm still in middle school' gene. Sucks.
4ever...I've been on alert for black men with non hair who I think are attractive. So far, no dice. Ii just don't trust 'em!
Detroit...I LOVE the shadow! Common's in particular. I also enjoy the versatility you seem to possess. Very cute.
Poor YoungMontez...so maintenance over style? ok, I can see that...for white men! NOT brothas! lol
Stacie...iss that what it is...my astrological dependence on facial hair?Explains a lot! lol
Was that you talking on your blog about dudes with the "Philly"? I wouldnt go as far as Freeway, but dammit Black Thought's face. tha's wassup!.
I cut my mustache off by accident. Looked in the mirror. Shiiit Slish you look like a school boy again. So I kept shaving it.I did keep the the tickler(meaning the facial hair on my chin...lol)
i love facial hair. he don't have to be bushed up there...a light coating of hair is cool, too. i'm especially partial to the goatee. brothas look hella sexy with those.
it seems like the only cats who cut their 'staches are the cats who are old and wanna look young. hehehe
it's kinda like their 'face lift'...
I guess maybe I won't be your neil much longer cause I am also now sporting a clean shaven look. This is only the third time in 5 years I've been beating it baldfaced. First time I was at home, and no one liked it. Then I moved to the UK. Did it a second time early last year, but I wasn't really feeling it. But now I've been sporting it for a few months and it has really grown on me. And other ppl around me (black and white) seem to dig it as well.
I agree with KZ it's a youthful/whiteboy thang..cuz you know brother's be getting them hair bumps and what not.
I don't think i really care one way or the other, but I used to date a dude who had the Vince Young topless goatee and it was a little too gayish on him for my taste!
I think worst than that is the stand alone moustache..that's an untrustworthy look right there!
and PS Gary Coleman and all other midgets scare the shit out of me!
can't help growing the beard
used to long foe one just 5 years ago... now, if I don't hit the shop for a trim I got the Grizzly Adams happening
lol this was amusing. some people can't grow hair, even black men, or its uneven. i think they look like babies w/o it tho. don cheadle and isaiah washington are waaaaay more attractive with. damn. didn't even notice that. maybe it is less intimidating. i mean don't they look strong and sexy w/it? that can't make you feel too good (if you're the man) when you already think they are more *ahem* well-endowed. and i definitely can't get w/the freeway beard a la stace. umm.. no.
and i tooooooooooootally love the dude head back w/the eyes closed shave. nice.
it all depends on the dude.. some men do look better with moustaches.. i've never seen my father with facial hair, ever.. so i think i'm more predisposed to like the clean-shaven look.. but i agree that don cheadle and the dude from love jones look better with facial hair..
Yes girl, my celebrity crushes and their facial hair. I had to think abt Freeway...you're right. that's too much. BlackThought and Common (on the Be LP) they can get it...TWICE! Or, "hot sex in the 3rd degree..." Ow!!
I should have never started shaving myself on the regular besides I'm no good. Growing up with a single mom I kind of taught myself and the razor bumps I now have prove as much. I kind of wish I would have left well enough alone. I ruined my boyish good looks, but I still got the charm LoL. I think facial hair is better, my mother however disagrees. Everytime I shave she asks, "Doesn't that feel so much better? (I generally say "no"). She goes on to say, "Well it looks so much better!"
But Slishy...School Boy...or SEXY Grown Man? Come on! Does Barneys dig it?
Nikki...And truth be tod it does kinda make them look younger. But too often also dumber. I Saw Kareem Abdul Jabbar the other day and he his face was all tan except for where his legendary 'stache used to be. I'm sure it's cuz he doesn't want to look all Bill Russell/Famous Amos, but instead he looks insanely ridiculous. I think kit's the equivalent to white men who die their hair blond at age 60.
While my heart is broken, My Neil...for you, I will hold off on the final judgement. ;)
Miss Ahmad...I'm sooooo glad you said it first. THAT shit looks so gay to me! One of my best friends has no body hair at all...and he's gay...and is a whore...and he says that dudes are so enamored with him bec he's so smooth all over. So perhaps this is where my association begins and ends. Men with no hair on their faces make me think they might be gay. There, I said it.
Hassan...The grisly aint always so bad. ;)
Jameil...I agree. I know guys who say the upkeep is a hassle...but I know if I dont upkeep my hair it will look a mess...so dudes gotta do the same. They look a young mess without it!
EqOpp...I've been so distracted by this topic of late...like looking dudes all in the girl trying to figure out how they'd llook w/ or w/o...what my impression of them is w/ or w/o...etc. I'm very guilty of judging a book by its cover...cuz I have thi notion of be ing so well-read that I've memorized a lot of damn books. lol I did manage to see a man last night who looks GREAT with a bare face. Raja Bell from the Phoenix Suns. And you know what, Alex Rodriguez is pretty dope despite it too. But I think Jeter, who I dont find attractive at all, would look hot with a lil shadow. Barry Bonds, also a barefaced mess...is it apparent I watched back to back SportsCenter this morning? lol
DP...so the ofay was showing his insecurity around the brothas already on the Hill? Figures. I bet a good number of them went thru the same transition you did when they got hired. lol
Stacie...I co-sign Common as well. And it is really bec of the facials. He was cute before but now he's sexy as hell.
ItaliaNelly! Ciao bello...or something like that. lol
That is a really good point you bring up...lots of guys don't have anyone to show them how to shave. So what's the bigger effect do you think...dudes just not shaving properly, or shaving it all off?
You are so right though. I love goatees. I hate it when a dude rocks a goateee for a while then decides to cut it all off all of a sudden.
I love Don Cheadle! But I gotta agree that the second pic is much better than the first!
Lol...you have a point, which is probably why I make my visit to holla at my boi (barber) Ray every week.
I don't think I look right without my mustache and the sideburns covering the side my face.
But we should be talking about women who got facial hair...and think they still cute....
I hate that crap as well, well down there is different, but a man should never shave his tache, he looks like a Chester child molester to me....
Liqs&TV...Oh you know pretty boys loooove the goatee. Shemar Moore type dudes. Cant hate on 'em, it's a great look.
I really don't remember ever seeing Don Cheadle with hair on his face, but I'm soo glad I found that pic!
Young Montez...Wait until your midlife crisis and you'll be telling your barber to give you a baldy too. lol You got a point about the women...but do you ever see women who look like THEY need a mustache? Sometimes Miss Patti (LaBelle) has that look to me. lol
NSane, Chris...Y'all feel me. Something just aint right bout it...and I say all this with no less love for barefaced KZ, Slish, "Maybe Still My" Neil, etc. ;)
it really depends on the man. some folk can go either way. don cheadle looks good to me either way.
now this frat of mine has a moustache like lamont sanford. i shit you not! that shit is THICK. i've always wondered if he has a top lip. and i bet if eats cooch, he can smell it for a week!
that was bad!
Side note:
Why do you thing most guys (i repeat: *most* - not all) are shaved clean?
so glad I came across this. another Taurean, love men with facial hair. But I don't get that no-stache, but keep the goatee and/or sideburns thing AT ALL. A friend of mine, baldy, grew out his sideburns (thick) and goatee, but kept the stache gone, and looked like a barbershop quartet member that got scalped - not a good look.
Oh some guys REALLY LIKE hairy women. I know, gross, but true. Er, not that I know that personally... ;-)
Aqua...damn that was vivid. When you said Lamont I immediately had the image in front of me! As for the cooch reference...perhaps there is your answer to why he rocks it so thick!
Rev says..."Why do you thing most guys (i repeat: *most* - not all) are shaved clean?"
For the same reason most (not all) rich brothas marry white women??? I dunno! You got the penis...you tell me!
Saga...what IS that?? It's almost like what I call "The Clown"...or the "George Jefferson"...bald as hell on top, but thick all around the head!
i dont know really - but for some reason the pron industry has alamost all guys shaven clean. Just like they always have wedding rings on too.
Not that the good reverend looks at porn or anything.......
too much. :)
It's simple Ms. Wise! Think about it like this...Men shave their face for the same reason women shave their pubes. But it's not as painful (can't imagine what it feels like getting hair plucked from the crack of one's azz, or around the clit area, that gotta hurt!)..
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