Thursday, October 04, 2007


There’s that moment when the exhaustion burns from the whites of your eyes, straight back to the hook of your damn head.

If you peep over at the clock radio you’ll be at once rendered blind by the hot, fuzzy red, and incredulous at how much time has escaped you. How little is left before you must abandon your bed.

Speaking of which…the sheets are bunched up in all the wrong places. Pillows stationed at random checkpoints, marking spots where you’d posted up for undetermined stretches of time.

Your stomach is folding over itself, and you wonder if this is what happens when you’re asleep...bec that’s what you should be doing at this particular moment.

But who can sleep at 1, 2, 3, 4 in the morning…

“You see what time it is?”

“I don’t care to look.”

The newness blossoms in the wee hours. The fundamental necessity of sleep is rendered optional, when you lose yourself and all track of time within the amusing cadence of the voice in your ear. Laughing, sighing, and making a mockery of your anytime minutes.


DurtyMo said...

HOT DAYUM!! You over there all bunned up or what! *shew*

dc_speaks said...

lol..i remember those days.

falling asleep on the phone and saying i wasn't snorin. im so glad thats over.

hold on to those feelings cause they sure are sweet.

great post!

Jonzee said...

Ah...the newness. I loved it. And it seems every once in awhile that silly, under-the-cover, no sleep no time soon, comes around. Surprisingly the transition was little less bumpy than I thought.

P.S. On an unrealted note. It seems I am making the NYC to Baw-more transition. I gotta admit I'm scared.

Blah Blah Blah said...

I think I have been here before. I think I know what your talking about.
I think.

Jameil said...


Southerner in Suomi said...

I wanna know more about this person on the other end of the line.

So...Wise...Sista said...

Slow down Durt!!

DC...Exactly. It's only cute for a while, but man is it cute. lol

Jonzee...Be afraid! lol Hit me up...I'll try to help soften the blow...

Blah...I THINK u prolly cut em off before u even get to this point. My hero!


VDiz says..."I wanna know more about this person on the other end of the line."

Me too. :)

Anonymous said...

Mmm somebody is cupcakin and boo lovin.

La said...

awww that's so cute. look at you crushing :-)

the joy said...

ah, newness... i once ran up a $180 bill on that phone caking... i still owe sprint.

Anonymous said...

Oooo :)

Anonymous said...


So...Wise...Sista said...

CNelly...Did you just say CUPCAKIN? *jotting it down for future usage*

LA...I knoooooooow!

Joy...Girl, Spri.nt is the anti-Christ for sure.

BGood...Don't you dare, 'ooooooo' me! lol

Epsi...I can soooo hear the tone of your voice saying that. ;)

Amadeo said...

New Booty!!!!

nikki said...

oh snap. i love this entry! it perfectly captures the euphoria that goes with new fascination.

Adei von K said...

ooooh!! who you talkin' to?!?!? HOT! I wanna talk!

no i don't. i can never find my phone.

GreatWhyte said...

Oh yes, my friend. CUPCAKIN. My soon-to-be 38-year-old bf hit me with that one. It's TRES old school.

So...Wise...Sista said...

Amadeo...*slapping 5* ;)

Thanks Nikki...Only new euphoria warrants 6 hour cellular marathons. :)

Stace...I'm the opposite. I literally walk with my phone in my hands 24/7...and I HATE talking on the phone. lol

X...Bishop is the cutest, and Cupcakin is now firmly lodged in my lexicon.

Disqus for She's Just Not Feeling You...

  • So...Wise??

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    Our Nation's (HIV) way of Harlem, NY and Upsteezy NY
    I'm older than I look, and stupider than you think. But I'm quite proud of my sharp eye for The Ridiculous, and by Ridiculous, of course I mean Me.
