I’m putting Black boys on the market... mainly because I'm bored with their logic. Consider this like a red-tag sale, where only those marked are up for grabs. I wouldn’t dare give them all away. And there’s no need to actually go through and mark the ones that are discounted…we all know who they are. They are in my immediate dating pool, and I don’t feel like wading through the bullshit. That was soooo immediate-post-college.
I earned my certification to negotiate such transactions by virtue of being prematurely generalized and labeled a “problem,” “a liability,” “dramatic,” “controlling,” “independent,” “opinionated,” “ugly,” “insensitive,” “emasculating,” and “
sexually repressed,” among other serious offenses. You see, I'm a convicted Sista.
SOME Black boys are “allegedly” like
Ron Artest…they are beautiful and brilliant, amazingly talented, and hard working. SOME can also be unfocused and immature. Unsure of their desires. They kick azz and ask questions later, get suspended, fined, (or arrested and fired), lose money, lose credibility, lose their way…
And SOME sistas are like Donnie Walsh and the Pacers…
lending support, defending him, making excuses, allowing him to still practice with the team, while he's relentlessly maligned at work, in the press, in society.
And what do SOME brothas do in return? They say they’re worth more than the Pacers/Sistas are paying; they have superstar talent and capabilities, and they feel that they’re holding the team back…except in reality that's usually verbalized as something like, “I need to explore ALL my options.”

So instead of bickering, instead of being “put on alert” and threatened that I can be replaced, instead of continuing to patiently endure the inane, contradictory, and largely unnecessary justifications, I’m setting you boys free. Putting you up on the blocks just like in the old days, and see how much I can get for your sorry azzes. Because the message I hear is that you’re for sale.
But just for clarification’s sake…
Yes, SOME sistas DO take issue with brothas traipsing the alternate route through Ghosttown. Why? Here are a few reasons…
Y’all LOVE blaming us for your decision to go there.
Y’all LOVE blaming us for your decision to go there.Y’all LOVE blaming us for your decision to go there.Y’all LOVE blaming us for your decision to go there.
Y’all LOVE blaming us for your decision to go there.Sistas don’t have shit to do with that…so please stop.Do you have any friends who you’ve just seriously outgrown? Every time you speak to them you realize it’s always a sorry spin-off of the same conversations you’ve been having for over a decade. I swear to you, that’s how I feel about this issue. Dudes been saying the same shit for YEARS and as we get older, all I ever want is to start being critical thinkers, if not intelligent ones. I’m so tired of having to explain to grown men the same things I had to break down to Burke in high school.....
Burke was (and dammit, still is) the finest boy in high school. And he knew it. He was such a problem. Curly, who is one of my best friends (and who reminds me a lot of
her), went to school with him from Kindergarten thru HS and she was (and still is) in love with him.
I’ll never forget sitting in the Senior cafeteria as sophomores when Burke says, “I don’t mess with black girls at all. They’re too
He then chronicles a brief stint talking to one of the “sassiest”
* girls in our school, who also happens to be quite attractive and outgoing and smart.
I say to him, “So that experience represents experiences with all sistas?”
He says, YES.
I tell him he’s an idiot for excluding his own race, but refrain from references of self-hate, cuz I know it will go right over his head. I respect his right to date whomever he desires, but openly ridicule his ignorance, since he openly expresses it.
So who was Burke’s cup of tea? Kiera, this white girl from his JR high school. She was the doting daughter of a doctor, whose love and obsession with Burke rivaled Curly’s. Burke was a star athlete who rocked a lot of fly sports gear, Jordans, whole nine, courtesy of Kiera’s allowance. She was neither attractive, nor smart or outgoing. Not exactly a plain jane, but definitely a girl with identity issues.
She didn’t go to our high school, but we all knew her, because in social situations she’d follow behind him clutching a granny pocketbook, wearing her soccer mom tapered jeans, nitpicking and nagging. She held his bulging biceps like the jaws of life, neck whipping in obsessive compulsive succession, eying anyone eyeing her man. I say this not to berate her, but to say that I believe she mirrored her own mother…who, incidentally the doctor Dad had just divorced.

She also seemed to mirror what she believed was black culture. She bought her way in with all the Jodeci, SWV and 2Pac CDs. Was a
Cross Colours, Karl Kani and
U-Men fiend...matching from scrunchie to shirt to socks. And, true story, she went to a black hairdresser, and yup, you guessed it…got black relaxers. No joke, a white chick with a Dark & Lovely. So in essence, it appears Burke just wanted a light-skinned black girl with money! (Today, Burke is one of my very good friends, and he now co-signs this hypothesis. He also admits to liking women he can control...he now has a black fiancée, who is 6 years his junior (22)...and trapped him by getting pregnant (twice). That’s a WHOLE 'nother blog, really.)

Then there was Spence in college, who told anyone who would listen, that he was half Italian. He came to my crib one time with one of my boys, and said he hates black girls cuz their hair smells like
grease (his preference was
I swung my press and curl right underneath his nose and let him follow the fresh strawberry scent right to my front door.
“And what does your Nigga-talian azz smell like besides cheap weed and malt liquor?” I respond. And a hint of garlic.
Then there’s my best guy friend on earth, Big, who could only hang around our college-turned-pro athlete friends for so long before he caught the bug too. It’s to the point now where he doesn’t even spend enough time with sistas to get to know any. He’s always at
this spot in White Plains, getting drunk for free, falling in love with Jessica…no, that really is her name.
Look, as an adult, it is not my business who the hell you fall in love with. You do not need to explain or justify that to anyone but your significant other. But I do take issue with the fact that as I get older, more and more guys are complaining about sistas and then claiming refuge with white girls... who are equally as dramatic. Is their drama somehow less than ours?
And why is it so appalling when a sista looks at a white boy, or even a Latino guy? Brothas are twisting their nuts dry over this
Sanaa Lathan movie (rather than joining the dialogue in an intelligible manner, or simply supporting a non-violent black film).

Dudes are calling for
Eve’s head.
The point is, I for one am tired of the same old debate, when frankly, your love life and preferences shouldn’t even be up for discussion…
But, since SOME of you black boys looooove dragging us into the fray…TRUST, I do have some things to say on behalf of ME, one mouthy azz black girl.
Next Up in The Series: “Why Sistas Stare At You and Julie When You’re Walking Hand in Hand Through the Mall….It’s Not Cuz We’re Hating…It’ s Cuz…..”>>*Sistas, isn't “sassy" white people's new PC for "bitch?"