PS...when did I get so codependent with my TV viewing?!*
And in other news, remember a few months back I was blowing off steam about bullshit hair stylists whose kryptonite is natural hair. Well, yesterday, for the first time in my entire life, I didnt have hair on my shoulders. I walked out of the house without a 'just in case' rubber band. I put on a newsboy cap and didnt have to arrange hair behind or in front of my ears.
I cut my shit. Yeah!

OK…can somebody PLS tell me they saw the Left.Eye documentary on VH1 last night?
For real, for real…I skipped open bar watching that shit. And I couldn’t sleep one wink all night.
Where to even begin.
Matter of fact, talk amongst yourselves. Here are a few topics...
2. …I knew it was coming, but I was thoroughly upset at not having any warning about what was about to happen…yet at the same time I wished they had shown more. Even if for like one more second. I think she would have LOVED that.
3. Who knew she was a cutter?!
4. Naked in the jungle talking to animals.
5. The award-winning shout out to the ATL Fire Dept.
6. Her homegirls at the funeral in wheelchairs and arm braces.
7. The numerology was mad spooky, yo.
8. The fcuking shoes of THE LITTLE BOY SHE RAN OVER?!
10. Her premonitions. The dream about the sun. “The end.”
11. How she was wildin during the last TeeLCee tour. The publicity stunt and DRIVE FROM ATL TO H0NDURAS??! Is that even possible??
12. Tarzan.
13. The 3-disc challenge.
14. She came out of rehab with a daughter??
15. “What’s better than being a star and being there? NOT being there and being the star. I was still the star!”
16. The kind of self-indulgence that motivated the entire doc. The creepy close ups of herself showering, swimming, washing her hair.
17. Her military dad with whom she got bent on beers and played "I Never." (alright I made that part up, but Im sayin. If you drink with your kids why not assume y'all also played drinking games?)
18. Her M0mmy.De@rest grandma.
19. “Bad M00n” butt azz naked in the guest bedroom with a chick in the closet. And THAT'S not even why she burned his shit down. ("It was a mistake."
20. Her near naked modeling as a teenager.
I could go on and on, but if I get all riled up I might be up all night again.
wise. i got so into it at work i had to turn it off b/c i didn't even feel like i was at work anymore AND she was extra intimate and it was extra deep and i needed to be able to give it my 3,976% attention. WHOA. def. need to see that again like yesterday. her grandma and her daddy... whoa. them damn herbs, too. let's not forget those. i was like wtf????? i really really wanna see it again in full.
I watched it too. It was amazing. The most profound thing she said was that every single person is a result of their environment. So before you go blaming your parents for YOU being messed up, you have to ask yourself "what did their parents do to them?" I'm glad I stayed up all night to watch it.
Hi Wise.
Wish I could say more....budda, I didn't watch it.
Hi Wise.
Damn, I gotta see that joint.
I have always been amazed in her writings, what made her verses... Verses. That ish she was rocking on them TLC joints were just fascinating and introspective.
I picked up Supernova when it came out and I was amazed in the depth of the lyrical content. I've been fascinated with what motivated her to write such things since that time a few years ago.
This documentary gave me closure.
It was an interview in a CHicago paper back in 2000 that got me hip to Dr Sebi, and I've been a student and supporter since.
I understand a lot now. She was indeed a gift who was only meant to be here for the moments we had her.
They need to bring VH1 to Canada. Damn.
it was great and I felt all was nice to see her face..all of her make up, no football lines...just clean...kept reminding me of Aaliyah..when they were filming her they didn't know it was her last days...eerie to say the least!
I have not seen it. I have seen clips. I am going to put it on DVR though.
It was heavy, and insightful. Some moments creeped me out. I'll probably never watch it again. I want to remember her the way I loved her: agressive, brazen and covered in condoms.
I watched it and was mesmerized. When she said the spirit mistook the little boy for her? I was done.
And his last name was Lopez? WHEW.
The crash scene was so eerie and insane.
I didn't see the whole thing but I was captivated by what I did see.
hurray for making the big chop! i'm thinking about doing it again. i'm going to do something drastic with my hair. i think perm first, then another chop. i hate the view.
Naked in the jungle talking to animals.
Thats me. Thats me.<<<** raises hand. Then runs out the room cuz im embarrassed.
You cut your hair?!?!?!? Oh shit!! I wanna see it!!
I didn't watch it.
But now I'm DYING to, lol.
love the blog wise...this is my first commenting here :)
i saw the doc...very creepy but airs again June 5th at 6pm (est i'm assuming)
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