Today, I used the word 'cracker' at least twice via text message. It's offensive. It's inappropriate. And most of all, I know better. Yet, if someone were to fwd said texts to the Deans of my school, let's say, should I be fired? (and never mind that I go to a black school, and that they might just chuckle and have a 'cracker' story of their own)
I regularly employ questionable language, judgment and content on this here blog. Imagine if a hater were to rat me out to a client, or an editor or some other check writer...are my offenses egregious enough to warrant a pay cut??
This is where I get tripped up. Because maybe my offenses really are as harmless as I think. But what if they're not??
What if for once I am NOT the one "with all the answers" (that are sometimes wrong)...and it's far above my head to understand just how bad my words might be?
Which really freaks me out because I fancy myself fairly balanced and decently educated and politically aware.
I am of the belief that people have the right to be racist. There's plenty wrong with it, but I don't see anything wrong with using a racial term when provoked. PRIVATELY. Where the problem lies is when you are racist and intimidate, discriminate or otherwise taunt or subjugate a person based on race. Where it's also a no no is if your racism is on display for public consumption, like via the (!mus) media.
The first time I heard about Bitch the B.Hunter's tape recorded rants about the son's black girl, my first thought was...well, IS she a trife nig? I might be wrong for that. Probably am.

But am I also wrong for thinking that a private nigtastic convo shouldnt end this guy's career? Particularly when you listen to the content and hear the context for him saying it. (He was basically telling the son that he couldnt work with him if the chick was gonna be around because they use the word ngga and he didnt want the chick to record it and sell it to the media).
I do know that I'm not wrong about the media having some nerve to keep trying folks in the court of public opinion. That shit is wrong. Wrong because the media have an unresolved history of failing to explore and understand race and racism with any type of critical analysis, nor responsibility. So to see Bitch on CNN tonight, to hear the tapes online, to see his face on every news program I watch, feels so hypocritical and wrong.
I might be wrong, but I know I wouldnt find it fair to be out of a paycheck for calling a cracker a cracker.
I totally are where you are coming from on this one. Its really getting old that everyone's gotta be a racist these days! I don't think you're wrong. I think this is family business. And while I feel like there's a little duality in him, it hasn't shaken my world at all. But neither have the many other "celebrities." its never anyone I care for that's doing anything stupid.
I watched bits and pieces of Larry king, and I don't really think it helped him. I thought it was funny when he said he thought he was cool enough to say nigger. Lmao!
Point 1: There is often a correlation between language and behavior. Sometimes not recognizing that we sometimes use questionable language can lead to questionable behavior. Where the problem lies is that the language and or behavior can truly harm folks.
Point 2: Private language in private time should be admissable, but as a person in the public sphere you've got to know that there is a slippery slope, a thin ass line between public and private. It ain't fair, sometimes it ain't right, but that's the system.
Point 3: You're so right in noting the hypocrisy of the media. News organizations will gladly point out acts of insensitivity on the part of celebs, but want call its ownself on the indecency which is unrepresentative content without proper context.
Damn and this will be my biz in 7 months?
I say let people say what they want as long as they can face the consequence. I usually consider the consequence to be the wrong person hearing them and punching them in the jaw. The media and the country are hypocritical as hell. Say the wrong word and it's a holocaust. But they never touch on policies and such that are inherently geared towards a particular race or tax bracket.
It's the Crash Syndrome...skirt the surface don't address the historically, legally and organizationally rooted issues.
Say Cracker. Even though I don't want to hear a white person say nigger. I know that:
1) there are some niggers
2) there are some crackers
just like some women are bitches and some men are dogs.
I'm down with P.C. = Personal Choice.
Wow! Finally someone who speaks from the view point of...SANITY. Sorry but when I heard about him, my very first thought was : you know what I don't want no niggas fucking up my shit either. I use it in my private life. I have been known to openly say Toubob (celebrating roots this year) in front of 'mixed' company.
The word has never really caused me to cringe like that. I totally understand the ramifications of the word and like someone said before if you can take the heat then go head jump out there. There was a time when so many of us did NOT exemplify that which is defined as 'niggerish' behavior, but when you look around today - you gotta fight hard to separate yourself from them negroes (I find negroes way more funnier than nigga actually).
It might be wrong that the word doesnt affect me but then again if I were to be called one by a white person - I have enough concrete stability and admiration of myself to shoot back a bunch of words to even the playing field. Blue Eyed Devil will shut them down!
this is a GREAT post!
mmmm this is a good one Wise... I wrote about it briefly when it first surfaced ... and I suppose we all can be hypocritical bc I know I am ... but I also feel as if you have to be more aware also when you are in the public I ... Private conversations I agree are just that ... and If we all had folk recording what some of us said on a daily basis we'd be homeless... but it is indeed a fine fine line ...
I'm with Amadeo *'cause he speaks so well*.
If you can handle the fire...
i wasn't surprised to hear that he said it. i mean look at him. when you're in the public eye, that's what you get. it may not be right, but your words are there for public consumption. do you REALLY think when you're talking to your son about his black girlfriend that he's happy w/you using the word nigger? COME ON!! just stupid. but don't come with the fake humility. you said it and you meant it. so represent that. that's how you feel, that's a word you use, now stand behind it like a man!!!!
I agree. Some of the things I say in private would make a hooker blush. And regardless of being in the public eye, no one should have to change their personality or censor who they are to fit the ideals of others. And who would think their private convos are being taped. What the f***...does the son work for Linda Tripp
I find it funny that BHunter says he didnt want to take a chance using the word nigger around this woman and get it turned into the Enquirer magazine but it was his son that did precisely that LOL
BHunter also went on a rant about how he would never dare risk his job by being caught saying calling her a ngger and that they say it so often at home when he was doing exactly that! I tell my second grade students that once you say something it's out and you can not take it back. You can apologize. But I've also learned that you should never apologize for what you say (because your words have value), but you may apologize for how you said it. BHunter shouldn't apologize for what he said (because I know I have some cracker moments), but how he said it. Next time, just go ahead and say it on TV or in public since that's pretty much what he did anyway. Better yet, say it to the sista's face. Step it up Ritz!
lol@ "he speaks so well"
I dunno yall. I just think it's ok for people to do and say what they want in the privacy of their own homes. And yo, exactly the reason he was stressed about the chick and the word is exactly what ended up happening. Go figure.
Funny tho...I would prob feel a different kinda way if it was, let's say, the host of Dancn w/ the Stars, or Tim.Gunn. lol
Racist/Racism = Race + Power
Neither exists if you don't have the "power" to exert it.
I can use the word "cracker" all I want, but I have no real (perceived) power or influence on the masses; therefore, its whatever. But if I were to elevate to a level of power, it could be a problem for me, even though I'm still the same ol' me, using the term the same ol' way.
nice blog hon, do chk me out sometimes
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