Tuesday Morning, 8:03am
The Crib
"Yes, I'd like to call in a possible disturbance."
"A break in?"
"Not a break in, a disturbance. No, no. An invasion."
"Would you like to report anything stolen or missing."
"Anything out of place?"
"Uh, yeah."
"We'll send someone out."
"Not necessary. I think I can piece this one together..."
Let's review the evidence...
My fire escape. Looks like all hell broke loose out there...
It just doesnt add up. I'm nothing if not tidy. Even outdoors.
But this. Beer bottles and cups and wrappers.
A damn SHAKER??
An overturned bottle. (that's the neighbor's nasty grill. Not mine.)
Wait...I don't smoke.
Season 5 of the Jeff.ersons. Hmm, only reason that would have been discarded so carelessly is if someone perhaps tried to argue that Weezy wasnt one of the greatest TV moms of all time. I dunno. I'm just drawing at straws here. Nothing concrete.
Again, I dont smoke...
So upon further review, who in the hell was blazin and left remnants on top of Thurg00d, no less?!
And the real smoking gun...Wise summers in sandals. So whose are these...
Yup. This could only mean one thing...
My REAL FRIENDS Are in Town.
Stay tuned.
Awww, shit! Someone warn the townspeople!!
Good luck. Hope you survive.
The Village may never be the same. The yuppies are probably shaking right now.
yay!!!! i thought you were going to say your neighbors were responsible for all that and then i was like oh she just mad b/c she wasn't invited!! lmao! good to know you were the one instigating all the debauchery. yesssssss!
You done moved to Batah Maw and lost your damn mind. You never did this much going out when you were up North
I'm telling!
BGood...naw, just alert the liqa sto!
ON...Luckily/sadly the visit was only a 2-niter. lol
Amadeo...Eff the yuppies...its' my downstairs neighbor that Im trying to keep up all night. lol
Jameil...Yo, why do I have the sit-out-on-the-roof-and-play-guitar-
and-drink-beer type neighbors. And they're not the hey-Wise-come-jam-with-us types either. :(
Blah...You are SO right! Might be bec I feel the need to wild out more now than ever. There I was, more grounded?? bullshit/ just dont tell my mom!
Baltimore may never be the same *shakes head*
awesome post! i can't wait to read about the times that will ensue!
p.s. i still want some damn cowboy boots...
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