For the first time in 30 years I looked in the mirror and looked OLD.
Now granted, my eyebrow dude pulled a fast one and changed his after settling for the alternative threading a week and a half ago, I am looking kinda Ernie & Bert.

And true, the time of the effing month has left a scattering of unflattering breakouts across my forehead.
And there are the few errant greys.
And come to think of it, my eyes look almost as dark as the lenses on my shades.
Ok, this isnt the first time I've looked ugly ...but def the first time I bet I could buy a Molson unmolested.
Exhibit lil laugh lines so sensitively pointed out by Brolic Boy.
Exhibit B...a box full of photos positioned right below my mirror. [Somebody found somebody else who in turn found me on I pulled out the albums trying to find pics of them from back in the day.]
Instead, I found a So...Wise Yearbook of past events and candid moments.
Wise of old, if you will. Oh shit...
Remember that party at Cheetah!
Wow, it was like 15 of us crashed in my lil azz crib on the Dip.set block.
Whoa...I had forgotten all about that cat. I need to g00gle him.
Awww, my mom looks so pretty!
Look at my babies!!
Whoa, graduation seems like a lifetime ago.
What was that shirt??
Wow, it was like 15 of us crashed in my lil azz crib on the Dip.set block.
Whoa...I had forgotten all about that cat. I need to g00gle him.
Awww, my mom looks so pretty!
Look at my babies!!
Whoa, graduation seems like a lifetime ago.
What was that shirt??
DAYUM, my hair was sooooo long!
Fresh perm, too.
Fresh perm, too.
Every pic of me from high school to college to recent grad feature me in one youthful pose after another. ()I never appreciated it back then of course, but I had a hopeful glimmer in my eye and a Pantenesque sheen to my healthy hair.
It occurred to me that the last days of my 20s were also the last days of my hair as I knew it. It started to deteriorate as my bday approached.
I cut it off in May. Embraced the loss the same way I did the turn of the new decade.
And for the first time ever, as I rocked my lil nappy fro, I looked OLD.
(You gotta understand, the Perpetually Juvenile look runs in my family. My brothers are damn near 40 and still look like Bishop and 'nem from the movie Jui.ce, and I routinely get carded when buying my mom's K00ls 100.)
It's probably still not visible to the untrained eye...I'm sure I'd still get mistaken for an undergrad.
Ms. Thomasine..."So what are you waiting for?"
Wise..."I dunno. I'm still trying to get used to it short. I've never not had a ponytail. And been rocking long braids since March."
MT..."You have a lot of hair. More than I did when I started. You got a cute lil pea head, too. It'll be longer than you think."
I sit up in the swivel chair. Take one last look at my old looking azz. Take a self-portrait with my phone.
Wise: "Let's do it."
The next time I faced the mirror, an hour later, I was 21 again. Fresh face, bright eyes. Pea head.
Freshly twisted hair.
10 years from now, God willing, I’ll look in the mirror and finally look 30. I’ll have photographic evidence in a box by the mirror, and a head full of locs to tell the story.
It's gonna be niiiiice!
Loc 'em up Wise...
Put it on Loc, yo!
In 10 years...I'd like to look 30 too.... but even when I was 30 I was looking fiddy...*huge sigh*
YAY!!!!!!! (too chicken to start own locks)
I've been loc'd for a year and some change and I just love it. I look back on my permed years and I can't believe i'm the same person.
Rock out with your locs out.
I know they look HOTTTTT
I am happy you are locing your hair. No matter what you do with it, you are still beautiful.
wooohoo go locs ... im next in line ... makin sure i get all my hair changing moods mom has had hers for 10 years and i get jealous everytime i twist them for her... i want to be that beautiful someday!
I guess this is where my young ass refrains from comiserating, yes?
So I'll just say...
I bet you'll be sexay with locs!!! lol
now is THIS where we sing?
You are my she-ro. I've been tossing the idea around for about 4-5 years now, and I still commit fully.
Awww shux! Gone Wise! I'm about to go natural for the second time! ugh! LOL we'll see what happens! You got the Perpetually Aged look? :(
J...What time's your appt this week to get that perm?? :)
Quarter...Whats funny is that now I bet people will revere me as a badu high priestess poet or some shit...when really, I'm still the same unrighteous idiot Ive always been. lol
Amadeo...Im officially a rock star...or at the very least allowed back in brooklyn. :)
Honey...Honestly, I dont look at them or touch them at all, just in case they DONT look hot. lol
Young Epsi says..."No matter what you do with it, you are still beautiful."
Awww, so THIS is why you have so many women in your stable. Flattery gets you EVERYWHERE. lol
Amber...I LOVE older women with dreds. There were a couple in the shop with me and I cant wait to be them!
LA...Sexay sounds fun. lol
Yes, NOW, my dear, warm up the chords!
BGood...Ive been contemplating it for a while too. And honestly, I cant believe how big a deal it DOESNT seem now that it's done. It's about as life changing as buying a new broom. Go for it!
Durt...2nd time? Oh shit, I hope this one takes!
I've been locked for 2 1/2 years now. I wish I had done this 5 years ago.. I don't feel empowered, or altered in any way. But I do feel more in touch with my natural self
Welcome to the nappy side! LOL
Nappy fists up!
Good for you Wise. I am sure those locs will be beautiful. Hell, you're already fly right?
Philly says..."don't feel empowered, or altered in any way"
I was asking someone yesterday when my induction welcome pkg should be arriving...ya know, the basket with the incense, cowry shells, papyrus poetry journal, kemi oil??
1969...Wouldnt it suck if I was the loser with the ugly locs!
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